Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Friday, November 13, 2020

Trump Destroyed The Federal Workforce, Biden Will Have A Hard Time Rebuilding It.  So much to do.

160,000 New Covid Cases Yesterday.  Just eight days after breaking the 100K threshold. President is off somewhere licking his wounds.  Virtually his entire staff is in quarantine.

Q Goes Quiet?  Followers starting to fear they’ve been had. Ya think?

Justice Alito Drops Any Pretense Of Judicial Impartiality.  Why should he care? He has a lifetime appointment.

Biden To Roll Back Trump’s Executive Orders On Abortion.  Maybe on Day One.

Jaime Harrison To Head DNC?  Makes sense, especially since Stacey Abrams is poised to run for Governor in Georgia.

DNREC Cites Croda For Air Quality Violations.  Can we have more than just a slap on the wrist, please?  Anything less is a continuation of environmental racism.

Counties Dragging Their Feet On Reassessment Settlement.  Will Judge Laster have to up the stakes?

What do you want to talk about?

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