Help a Blogger Out

Filed in National by on November 16, 2020

I’d like to speak to anyone who voted for Trump in 2016 and Biden in 2020.

I know it is rare, but I’d be curious to know what tipped the scales in favor of Biden. Hit me up in the comments, at or by clicking on that “Tips” button.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. jason330 says:

    Thanks to the readers who have contacted me so far. Here is my line of questioning if you happen to fall in the category of Trump to Biden voter and have an opinion on any of this to share:

    1) Was there a lot of pressure on you to continue to be a Trump voter? Trump voters have a strong tribal identity. Did you risk any friendships?

    2) How much of 2016 was all about how terrible Hillary Clinton was? Since you voted for Biden this time, do you think you may have misjudged who was going to be the worst among two bad choices?

    3) Did you become disenchanted with Trump at some point, or did Biden just edge him out in the end?

    4) Any thoughts you have on the switch from Trump to Biden would be interesting to me.

    The reason I’m curious about this is because I think the country is going to need more people to change their minds about Trump and I was wondering what those who have already changed might be able to tell us about how and why why they changed.