Likud Lobbying Hard for Coons to Be Sec of State

Filed in National by on November 16, 2020

Coons is said to be the figure most visibly lobbying for the job, according to Politico.

Last May, an article appeared in Jewish Insider claiming that Coons had “the inside track” for the job. It quoted a long list of Jewish leaders and politicians singing Coons’ praises, saying he would be “wonderful” for Israel, “understands the special relationship” between the two countries and would be “an excellent choice for … the pro-Israel community.”

Wonderful for Israel. Huzzah!

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Alby says:

    Just remember, Israel’s gain would be our gain, too. Anything that gets this quisling out of elective office is a boon to Delaware.

  2. bamboozer says:

    If it gets rid of him as a senator I’m all for it.

  3. Andrew C says:

    Who would be appointed in his place for Senate, do you think?

    • Well, it’d be Biden’s call. Just like it was Biden’s call when Ruth Ann Minner, to the surprise of pretty much all of us, appointed Ted Kaufman to fill out the remainder of Biden’s term when he was elected as Vice President. BTW, the best decision Ruth Ann ever made.

      I’d love to have Kaufman appointed again, but I doubt that would happen. It’d almost certainly be LBR, which would be an upgrade.

      • Alby says:

        Would it? Has anyone ever risen so high based on so little?

        • I think it would be. She really took to campaigning on behalf of the D progressive challengers this year. And she has SOME credentials. She was a cabinet secretary, and a good one.

          I don’t see her in the same corporate lackey role that Coons has carved out for himself.

          I’m not suggesting she’s the next Ted Kennedy or anything, just IMO an improvement.

    • Gabby says:

      I think Jack Markell has gotta be a dark horse for that seat too, if he doesn’t end up in the cabinet somewhere.

      • Markell was hardly visible at all during Biden’s run.

        It’s possible, but I doubt it.

        DL is the only place where Markell’s name has surfaced at all.

        • Alby says:

          I haven’t spoken with him in several years now, but unless something has changed, Markell is not interested in the Senate. Never was.

  4. I can’t picture Biden naming Coons to that position because Likud wants Coons.

    Biden is in a position of strength in dealing with Netanyahu. Can’t see him putting Bibi’s biggest butt-smoocher in that position. It’d be diplomatic malpractice.

  5. If Chris wants a cabinet position, offer him Secretary of Commerce. He can hobnob with his corporate co-conspirators and do little harm.

    If he turns it down, he can’t complain that he wasn’t offered a cabinet position.


    • Alby says:

      This is the reason Chris Coons has rewritten history to make Biden his “good friend.” And it’s why I bring up history — to show people that this is bullshit. I don’t like it when people try to bullshit me. I think less of them for it.

      And his bullshitting of people is one reason I think so little of Chris Coons.

  6. Nancy Willing says:

    Coons just gave Markell a spotlight yesterday, while noting that Mike Castle co-chairs the DE chapter with Jack. Oddly, Markell gave introductory remarks for the Mid-Atlantic summit in casual wear from what appeared to be his bedroom on Guyencourt Road.
    From the presser:
    “Sen. Coons, Rep. Blunt Rochester, Cindy McCain, UK Foreign Secretary, others highlight importance of US global leadership in COVID-19 response
    At regional USGLC summit, government, business, and public health leaders agree a global pandemic requires a global response Watch the full video here: