DL Open Thread: Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Filed in Delaware, Open Thread by on November 18, 2020

Trump Fires DHS Official For Telling The Truth.  If you’re paying close attention, he really WAS trying to engineer a coup.  Might’ve worked, too, if the election was a little closer.  Two Rethugs tried to engineer a coup in Michigan yesterday, then had to walk it back.  Y’know, Trump has fired enough public officials that Biden should have no trouble being briefed by the alumni on what’s been going on.

Justice Department Drops Drug Trafficking Charges Against High-Ranking Mexican Official.  Yes, it stinks. Yes, it’s Bill Barr.

Trump Hunkers Down In White House For Thanksgiving.  Am I the only one who thinks the reason he’s doing this is b/c he’s afraid they won’t let him back in if he goes to Mar-A-Lago?

Trump Lost Georgia Because He Suppressed The Trump Vote.  Rings true to me.  Trump Rethugs tried to force Raffensperger to endorse Trump all the way back in January, and didn’t let up.

COVID ‘Truthers’ Try To Invade Utah Hospital.  To, you know, expose the ‘hoax’ and a sea of empty beds.

Indigenous Americans Helped Flip Arizona To Biden. With no bleeping help from the Democratic Party.  One of the great unpublicized stories of the election.  Which reminds me, an Indigenous American is being vetted for the Interior Department top job.

Trump Looks To Unilaterally Lower Drug Prices.  Doing (arguably) the right thing for the wrong reason (he thinks Big Pharma slow-walked the vaccines until after the election).  Problem is, he probably can’t do this unilaterally during the short timeline until the inevitable transition.

Can The ‘McPlant’ Help Slow Down Greenhouse Gas Emissions? ‘Earth deserves a break today…’

How Delaware Chicken Plant Had A 30% Covid Positive Test Rate, Yet Remained Open:

Poultry companies have said the same: They will not confirm cases at their plants due to concerns about the privacy of workers, even as state and national data pointed to these plants as hotspots for the virus.

These choices have left the public – and many of the communities in southern Delaware hit hardest by the pandemic – in the dark about potential case hotspots and carriers of infection, including in the very places they work.

But when the state released a report in late September, one of the first glimmers of insight appeared: At one point, testing at one Delaware poultry plant returned a 30% positivity rate, according to the Delaware Pandemic Resurgence Advisory Committee.

Of course,  nobody will own up to it, and the state isn’t talking.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. bamboozer says:

    Not surprised the poultry plant remained open with a 30% rate of infection, Delaware politics remains openly corrupt. Also not surprised the Republicans are using the almost four month in which they remain in power to do as much damage as possible, it’s a replay of the defeat of Bush II and a reminder of the many flaws in the constitution.