DL Open Thread: Thursday, November 19, 2020

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on November 19, 2020

Tyson Food Managers Had ‘Winner-Take-All’ Bet On How Many Workers Would Get Covid.  Hey, why should there be limits on management exploitation of workers? Waterloo, Iowa.

Trump Policies In One Word: ‘Meanness’.  40%-plus of Americans just want to hurt people.

Judge Orders Halt To One Of Those Trump Policies:

A judge has issued an emergency restraining order that prohibits the Trump administration from making civil immigration arrests at the San Diego federal courthouse, saying the widespread practice “invades the decorum and dignity of the court” and violates common-law principles dating back to the 15th century.

“The court is not an ‘arrest pad’ nor will it ever be,” U.S. District Judge Dana Sabraw said in a strongly worded opinion filed late Monday.

Cali Gov. Newsom:  ‘Do As I Say, Not As I Do’.  Rules for the privileged are different.  Uh, good luck selling that to everybody else.

Students By Day, Forced Laborers By Night.  Immigrant teens work to pay off debts to smugglers and to send money home.  The authorities know, don’t do anything.  Great reporting from Pro Publica.

Trump Wants States To Overthrow The Will Of The People.  This is as anti-democratic as it gets.  It won’t work.  This time.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. Trump , Rethugs, still monkeying around in Wayne County:


    The two R election board members now say they want to flip once again. This is nothing less than an attempt to disenfranchise minority voters in Detroit.

  2. Alby says:

    Here’s another turd to lay at the feet of Quisling Chris Coons:

    In the middle of a deadly pandemic, the Health and Human Services (HHS) Department will actively refuse to work with the incoming Biden administration for as long as Donald Trump can hold off the formal transfer of power, HHS Secretary Alex Azar confirmed Wednesday.


  3. bamboozer says:

    Well damned if it ain’t a festival of failure in the government, most of it is Trump, but a part of it is our antiquated constitution with a mind set from 200 years ago. Four months were the losers remain in power is absurd, and as for the hated electoral college abolish it and sow the ground with salt. All States should have the same rules for the election, like it or not.

  4. Andy L says:

    Genuine question. How long do you think Joe will be President? Do you think he’ll serve the whole first term?

    • He’s more likely to complete his term than the morbidly-obese orange blimp would have been.

      • Andy L says:

        I can’t shake the thought that the ultimate goal is to get her to the White House and I don’t think they’ll wait long to accomplish that goal…

      • Alby says:

        Andy is having himself a right-wing fever dream. Who, pray tell, is the “they” who want Biden out of the way, and why? Are you one of the dimwits under the impression that Harris is a socialist?