Trump’s Plan is to Hopelessly Hobble Biden’s Presidency – Biden’s Plan is to Allow it.

Filed in National by on November 20, 2020

Trump isn’t trying to stay in office, he is trying to insulate himself and extend his presidential immunity beyond his Presidency. To accomplish this he needs to make Biden an irredeemably weak President. We can laugh and point at the clown show, but Trump’s strategy is working.

Biden is looking weak, having adopted the posture of hoping Trump and the GOP will see the light and play nice. That isn’t working. It has never worked. We have the Republican National Committee now calling for all the swing state results to be overturned. The Republicans are not moving in the right direction. They are becoming emboldened. If Biden fails to push back his Presidency will be over before it starts.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. puck says:

    I don’t think Biden’s lack of histrionics against Trump or Republicans makes him look weak. Trump feeds off of making everyone react to him and dance to his tune. Biden is wisely not playing that game.

    There are lots of other ways for Biden to look weak that he is more likely to step in. Starting with his signaling no prosecutions for Trump – Biden should have at least played coy with that, i.e. “rule of law” or “nothing is off the table.” The Cabinet nominations will be another signal of weakness or strength.

  2. jason330 says:

    There has to be some strategy between histrionics and completely ceding the field to Trump. We should know by know that ignoring Trump and giving the GOP space to regain their sanity doesn’t work.

  3. bamboozer says:

    Believe Puck is correct, better to be the only adult in the room then a screaming Trump mouth breather. Will it make Joe weak? Nope, not hardly. What people want is a restoration of sanity to the presidency, a president who is presidential as opposed to a howling lunatic.

    • meatball says:

      Only about half of the electorate want the restoration of sanity the other half want a howling lunatic.

      • puck says:

        Restoration of sanity is welcome but is not enough. Republicans have been testing the locks on the Constitution and while it is still holding, they seem to have found the weak points. The fascists have been taking notes on how their end game failed and won’t make the same mistakes next time. A Biden administration is only a speed bump. Nearly half of America is thirsting for authoritarian rule, and don’t want and won’t appreciate sanity.

  4. Joe Connor says:

    Long game….. build some confidence calm the waters…. get Covid controlled…. Fight the 22 races like hell…. progress 23-24….. That’s it and it’s enough:)