Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Saturday, December 5, 2020

Pentagon Denies Biden Team Access To Spy Agencies.  Uh, why? Why is Trump still firing Pentagon officials? And why is he finding spots for the likes of Corey Lewandowski and David Bossie?

Trump Campaign Lavished Spending On Trump Properties At End Of Campaign. And $300K On Junior’s Book.

How The Well-Connected Are Destroying Hawaii’s Beaches.  An instructive primer on how not to counter rising seas.  This could never happen in Delaware. Oh, wait…

How To Deal With Abandoned Oil And Gas Wells.  Yes, it’s a huge problem, and a huge source of methane. However, there are solutions, and some locales are addressing it. Not Senate Rethugs, though.  Read this article, you’ll learn something.

Federal Judge Restores DACA, Orders DHS To Accept Applicants.  Same judge had previously found that the Federal official who ordered an end to DACA was serving illegally. He still is.

Only 25 Of 249 Congressional Rethugs Recognize Biden As The Winner.  Two (Rep. Paul Gosar of Arizona, and Rep. Mo Brooks of Alabama) claim that Trump won.  That Party deserves to die.

Delaware House Prefile Includes Bill Moving Primaries To April.  I continue to oppose the moving of the primary.  How many of our progressive challengers would have won had the primary been moved this year?  Not to mention, please show me one race, one, where the later primary disadvantaged a primary survivor.  It’s incumbency protection, pure and simple.  Here is the full prefile.

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