DL Open Thread: Monday, December 7, 2020

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on December 7, 2020

Delaware Day And Pearl Harbor Day.  Coincidence? Your thoughts.

Biden Names Cali AG Xavier Becerra To Lead HHS.  I’m surprised.  Thought he might be nominated for AG.  Well, let’s see.  He has publicly supported single-payer.  He has effectively litigated on behalf of expanded access to health care.  Let’s not forget the political factors at play:  Cali Gov. Newsome was under heavy pressure to name Becerra to Sen. Harris’ soon-to-be-vacant senate seat.  Biden was under heavy pressure to step up outreach to Latinos. Oh, did I mention that Becerra is Latino and enjoys tremendous support in that community?  An intriguing choice.  I just hope he’s up to the task of getting the vaccine out to everybody.

Giuliani Shuts Down Arizona.  His super-spreader ‘election fraud’ event with Rethug legislators did the trick.  See any masks in that picture?

‘Biden’s Ambassador To GOP’.  Prepare to frow up a little in your mouth.  Meanwhile, let’s see how the Ambassador’s college pal is faring over at Fox News.

NYPD Sex Police Are Out Of Control.  If you’re black, don’t even slow down if there’s a lady on the corner.  They need to shut down the entire police department and start over.  There’s no such thing as incremental change for this criminal enterprise.

A Federal Path Forward For Environmental Justice.  Might I suggest that the Delaware Legislative Black Caucus play a key role in advancing this goal at the state level?

Coke, Pepsi, And Nestle: The world leaders in plastic pollution.  Again. They’re doing nothing to stop this problem.  Coke is by far the worst offender.  Stop drinking their crap.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. puck says:

    “Biden’s Ambassador to GOP” – let’s be clear, Coons’s role will be to win Democratic support for GOP-gutted legislation and for swallowing poison pills. This is a familiar role for Joe because that’s what Joe did for Obama. We’ve seen this movie before. The outcome for the mid-terms is a well-worn path.

  2. Alby says:

    The Coons story is interesting because he says things there he’s never said in Delaware. In particular, it seems Chris’ affinity for Republicans was forged in the crucible of New Castle County Council, about which he said:

    “There were several people on County Council who were jerks and lied to me and promised me their vote to my face, and stuck me in the back. And you know what? Those were Democrats,” Coons said. “There were several people, who I expected nothing of them. Nothing. And they ended up helping me out of some jams. … Those were Republicans.”

    I’d be interested in knowing who promised him their votes and reneged. Frankly, I’m skeptical, because every vote on that council was 5-2 until they flipped Chris Roberts by blackmailing him, after which every vote was 6-1. And they were all predicted to be that way. So I’m curious about who apparently lied to him about voting with Coons instead of with Tom Gordon.

  3. bamboozer says:

    Hell has yet to be paid, but it is inevitable, we are nowhere done with the sick charade from hell. The question becomes will we learn anything from it. I doubt it. There will be another Mussolini clone, another mad king that seeks to subvert democracy and install himself as a dictator. Suspect it will end in blood, perhaps lots of it. I’ve never been an optimist, preferring to see the worst, rarely am I proven wrong. Get ready, round two is coming and the same fools that put Trump in the White House will be back, jaws slack and ready.