Join your mother fucking RD, you liberal motherfuckers!

Filed in National by on December 7, 2020

Do you want a more progressive Democratic Party? Of course you do. So join your RD Committee! That’s where the shit goes down.

Check out PDD’s new guide to find out how to join your RD, and be sure to join PDD for their monthly general meeting this Thursday for any questions.

I hope my headline was emphatic enough. I’m yelling at myself to do this because the 9th is fucked up.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. jason330 says:

    I’ve emailed my 9th RD chair for the time of the next meeting and I’ll keep you motherfuckers updates.

    But is all seriousness. I need DL to help PDD get 5 people join their RDs by the end of the year. I’m one, so I need 4 more to meet my goal. So I’m going to keep up the haranguing.

    Why? Because liberal on a RD is worth 275,000 blog posts and 3 million blog comments. I have not had those numbers audited, but I stand but them.

  2. blerg says:

    Excellent move. 2021 is right around the corner and 2022 will be crucial. Politics are local, and while it’s a long way to the top and your input will be a drop in the stream (if it’s even asked for) you will have the chance to do the real heavy lifting, see the real bottom-up process in action, and speak your mind to those that might get something started.