Can Biden fix the Dems Small Town/Rural Problem?

Filed in National by on December 8, 2020

Ever since Bill Clinton Democrats have had nothing or small towns. It has all been “high tech abundance and the benefits of free trade will eventually get to you”. That has clearly turned out to be bullshit. Meth and joblessness, though – they arrived on schedule.

So Joe, what’s the plan? Are you going to try and put a bandaid on Clinton’s (and Obama’s) failures?

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. bamboozer says:

    Greetings from the hicks in the sticks. Primary problem is a great many of them are distrustful of the highly educated, I’m a vocalist and natural mimic so I can talk the talk and have the accent down, I call it Dela-Mumbler. Have no idea what Biden can do to win them over. But Clinton did it so it can be done again.

  2. mouse says:

    Clinton often said “grow the middle class”

  3. meatball says:

    No, the misinformation, racism, white grievance, the declining middle and lower classes… way. Its only gonna get worse. Anecdotally, I’m steeped in this shit tea. 30% of the voting population believes Biden is a child predator……Trump is going to announce his 2024 candidacy on Biden’s inauguration and will thus skate on his posting of fake news on the major platforms further dividing the country while he is held up as a legitimate candidate on OAN, Breitbart, and Newsmax all the while competing with FOX “news”, etc. I really don’t see how we recover from a trump presidency.

    The weird thing is I don’t really understand why trump brought us here in the first place. I really don’t think he cares either way.

    Ben was right all along….arm yourselves.

    • Alby says:

      Depressed people giving depressed advice. Bullshit.

      These mooks are the same as they ever were, and if you think it’s only gonna get worse, do me a favor and show me the notice for the next Tea Party meeting. I have watched and listened to these assholes fulminating for 50 years. The only difference is they’re more desperate now because they know they’ve lost.

      You’re not going to need to arm yourself. The moment of greatest danger has already passed, and they didn’t start shooting then. They won’t start now.

  4. blerg says:

    There’s opportunity in every bloc of small town America, but some are more of a lost cause. Dems need to focus on achievable win-win goals, such as small town jobs, access to education, healthcare, broadband, other things people care about in their real day-to-day lives. And tone down the cultural shifts/sore spots; validate/promote diversity while accepting that rural and metro communities evolve at different paces. Most importantly: ask, listen deeply, and respond in positive ways that make their lives better. My motto is Armed and Liberal: armed with Truth, Liberty, and Justice as core principles. Act in ways that maximize the common ground on those principles with small town America, and there’s a chance to make progress.