Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Pfizer To Trump: ‘Want More Vaccine?’  Trump:’No.’   That supposed 300 million doses is actually gonna be somewhere around 50 mill.  Isn’t gonna stop the White House from hosting, wait for it, a Vaccine Victory Celebration.  Will any/everyone wear masks? Neither Moderna nor Pfizer will attend.  Pfizer wasn’t even part of ‘Operation Warp Speed’, instead opting not to take a penny of Federal money for their research. Meanwhile, Trump issues batshit-crazy Executive Order on vaccine distribution that not even his own advisers can explain.

Biden Chooses Retired Black General To Be Defense Secretary.  Raising the question: Should retired military serve as defense secretaries?  He seems the least hawkish of the group that Biden was considering.

Ohio Sheriff’s Deputy Kills Black Man For Going To Subway.  I guess cops figure if you kill ’em all, you achieve herd immunity.  An outrage.  Another outrage that nobody in power will explain.

DeSantis Orders Stormtroopers To Raid House Of Covid Whistleblower.  Yet another headline I never thought I’d write.  The Rethuglican Party is a criminal enterprise and engages in ongoing criminal activity.

The Painstaking Process To Undo Trump’s Immigration Damage.  While there are some actions Biden can take on Day One, most moves will take some time.

Congress Dares Trump To Veto Defense Appropriations Bill.  Why is Trump threatening to veto the bill?:

First, the bill would require the Pentagon to rename Confederate-named military bases and other property in three years and set up a commission to plan how to carry out those changes.

Trump argues that changing the names “desecrates” the bases, but lawmakers in both parties see it as past due as the military and the nation grapple with racism and the legacy of slavery.

Trump is also threatening to veto the bill because it does not include a repeal of Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, a 1996 law that gives online platforms liability protection for content posted by third parties while allowing them to make good-faith content moderation efforts.

Trump, who became fixated on Section 230 after Twitter started adding corrective labels to his unsubstantiated posts alleging widespread voter fraud, demanded late in the negotiations that Congress add a repeal of the decades-old statute to the NDAA. But lawmakers on both sides of the aisle argue the NDAA is not the place to address a tech issue that has little if anything to do with national security.

Hey, what can I tell you? He’s inSANE.

What do you want to talk about?

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