DL Open Thread: Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on December 15, 2020

Rich Countries ‘Clear The Shelves’ Of Vaccine Doses.  Vaccines: The new TP.

Barr’s Resignation Letter.  Did Barr really write this drivel?  Looks like he signed a letter probably dictated by Trump.  Barrf bags recommended.

WH Chief Of Security Was Deathly-Ill With Covid.  White House kept it quiet, likely hasn’t contributed one penny to his recovery.  Needless to say, he sure as shit didn’t get the Rudy treatment.

LA’s New DA: ““We will work to correct the injustices of the past,” Gascón said. “This is how, in a state that led the way in ‘tough on crime,’ California can lead ‘forgive now’ and turn the tide of mass incarceration and start anew.”

Elections matter.

Trump Begs For Georgia Cash Infusion–Pockets Most Of The Money.

Trump’s aggressive fundraising blitz appears to be devoted to helping the party defend Georgia’s two Senate seats and, with them, the Senate majority. But the fine print shows that most of the proceeds are going toward Trump’s newly launched PAC, which he plans to use to fund his future political activities. Only a fraction is going to the Republican National Committee, which is investing $20 million into the runoffs.

A stampede of political figures from both parties are emailing their donors with links to donate directly to the Georgia candidates, but the president is not among them.

Trump’s fundraising ploy has rankled senior Republicans, who worry small-dollar donations are being redirected away from the runoffs. The National Republican Senatorial Committee has reached out to the White House and RNC to express its concern and to question the decision, according to two people familiar with the discussions.

Live by the grift, die by the grift.

Proof: Civil Forfeiture Laws Are A Scam By Police.  There is no reason why the General Assembly shouldn’t repeal this reverse Robin Hood scheme.  Steal from the poor, let the cops pocket the proceeds.

David Perdue, Pillowtex And Dollar General: Outsourcing Jobs, Putting Workers On Public Assistance.  This guy is truly despicable. Stuff you didn’t know, but should.  Which reminds me, Biden heads to Georgia today.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. jason330 says:

    Ending the civil forfeiture scam should be an easy lay-up for our democratically controlled House, Senate and Executive.

    I can’t imagine who would oppose ending this utter travesty.

  2. bamboozer says:

    “Civil Forfeiture” is a bizarre legal concept, as noted it’s legalized theft . The original claim was that it would used to take yachts, cars etc. from drug kingpins, smelled bullshit from the start and knew it would used as a club to beat the poor and middle class. Sho’ ’nuff it is. Cop actually had the nerve to complain they couldn’t balance their budgets without it. Love to see it repealed and banned, don’t hold your breath.

    • Another way to, in effect, put an end to it would be to designate the proceeds to go to the General Fund. There’d be no incentive for the cops to steal stuff then.

      • bamboozer says:

        You’ve got a good point there, but would prefer to see it banned, that it ever was allowed is shameful. Believe it to be yet another gift of the Regan era and the hated drug war.