Joe Biden Must Unite The Nation

Filed in National by on December 15, 2020

Actually, no. This is always bullshit and the country is almost always split within a 60-40 range on practically any issue or person you can think of. This is one of the many ways that the basic idea that “lefties need to shut the fuck up and the right wing needs to get whatever they want” is expressed in The Discourse.

I’m sure Biden’s going to give a bunch of speeches designed to appeal to “David Brooks” (“David Brooks” is just the stage act of David Brooks, who in reality also doesn’t give a shit) about coming together and all that, and it’ll only matter if he believes his own bullshit. Which he probably does. But it won’t matter in the sense of UNIFYING THE COUNTRY because that’s a stupid goal anyway.

Duncan Black gets it.

Also – Coons is a liar or a moron to continually prattle on about how working with Republicans is important. It is nothing but Kabuki staged to please a handful of media gatekeepers while kneecapping Democrats.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. bamboozer says:

    There will be no “Uniting the nation”until we rancid old Boomers are gone, look at Trump rallies, it’s a sea of fat bellies and white hair. Even after that it’s doubtful it can be done, lofty talk or not the south remains the south.