DL Open Thread: Friday, December 18, 2020

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on December 18, 2020

Trump Screwing Up Vaccine Shipments?  Feds cut shipments to states while Pfizer claims there are plenty of doses to send.

Sen. Kelly Loeffler Got A $2 Mill Contribution In Exchange For… a favorable ruling from her husband. Oh, I know, there’s no proof of a quid pro quo. Just the incredible coincidence in the timing.  These two Georgia senators are utterly corrupt.

Biden Picks Are A Boon For Environmental Justice.  Finally, a respite from the ‘half-full, half-empty’ choices he has made so far.

Trump Has Made No Mention Of Russian Cyberattack.  5 years of Russian perfidy with no response from Trump, other than to encourage them to release Clinton e-mails. They even infiltrated information relating to our nuclear stockpiles.

Biden, Teachers, And Education Policy.  How Biden’s approach might differ from Obama’s.

35 AG’s Sue Google For Monopolistic PracticesIncluding Delaware AG Kathleen Jennings.  I still think that Amazon is the worst of the worst.  But there’s no denying (IMO) Google’s anti-competitive practices.

Delaware General Assembly To Begin Session Virtually.  All proceedings, including committee meetings, will be available to the public online.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. Alby says:

    Here’s the problem, from an Axios story about the aide who dared to call Republicans “fuckers.”

    “For those of us who, from Day One, bought into Biden’s calls for civility and a return to normalcy, this isn’t just beyond the pale — it’s plain stupid,” said one Biden donor.

    Yeah, these are the fucksticks who are driving the unity bus. Which is lesson No. 1 million on why you don’t take money from these fucksticks.

    • puck says:

      Cursing isn’t even required; you can trigger the same reaction by calling Republicans”deplorables.”

  2. bamboozer says:

    Pray tell, what did you think would happen with distributing the vaccine other then rank incompetence and suspicion of a Trump pay back game to blue states? Well?

  3. Working Families Party and Leftward Delaware To Merge. From their press release:

    Wilmington, Del. — The Working Families Party announced a merger with Leftward Delaware to form the Delaware Working Families Party. Leftward Delaware launched in January 2019 and has since worked closely with WFP and a coalition of Delaware community organizations and activists.

    The Working Families Party is the grassroots political party of the multiracial working class. The WFP has been supporting progressive candidates in Delaware since 2018, starting with Kerri Evelyn Harris’ bid for U.S. Senate. This year the WFP elected a progressive slate of state legislators, including Black, LGBTQ, and Muslim candidates who ousted five white male members of the Delaware legislature, including the Senate Pro Tem.

    “After the success of our primary slate this year, we’re excited to bring the progressive movement to Dover and help win a $15 minimum wage and build a powerful progressive base,” said Vanessa Clifford, Mid-Atlantic Political Director at the Working Families Party. “Working families in Delaware deserve representatives who will fight for their interests instead of protecting corporate bottom lines. We’re excited to continue to support Working Families Democrats who will challenge the existing ‘Delaware way’ of corporate-dominated politics.”

    “With the support of WFP, four of us beat some of the longest-serving corporate-backed incumbents to change the course of politics in DE’s general assembly,” said Madinah Wilson-Anton, State House Representative in District 26. “The launch of the DE WFP marks an important step towards building the infrastructure to make every election cycle like 2020’s. Working families deserve a seat at the table, and the issues that we face deserve to be on the agenda. I’m excited to see how DE WFP will change our state for the better.”

    “I’m excited because the Working Families Party helps build leaders in addition to the phenomenal campaign support they provide,” said Tyeisha Grier, Delaware WFP activist. “Campaign funds may go away, but with DE WFP, we’re building a legacy of strong organizers and leaders.”

    “I’m thrilled to be working with WFP to help bring economic, social, and racial justice to the First State, and to stand in solidarity and fight for hardworking everyday Delawareans,” said Eric Morrison, State Representative in District 27.

    “I’m excited about the creation of a new WFP chapter here in the first state because it shows a new era for Delaware politics that looks to center everyday people by promoting working-class issues,” said Coby Owens, Delaware WFP activist. “By propelling a younger, more diverse generation of organizers into office, we see a new energy that will only help guide the Democratic Party toward the future.”

    The WFP has worked to build Delaware’s progressive movement by supporting candidate and activist trainings, endorsing and providing campaign support to progressive down-ballot and national races, including supporting Jess Scarane’s primary challenge to Sen. Chris Coons, funding and running an Independent Expenditure this year.

    This year the Working Families Party drove a wave of progressive victories across America. The WFP helped elect progressive champions Jamaal Bowman and Mondaire Jones to Congress in New York, ousted five conservative Democratic state senators in New Mexico, helped D.C. Council Member-elect Janeese Lewis George beat back scaremongering attacks about defunding the police department, and won ten competitive District Attorney. In the general election, the WFP mobilized hundreds of thousands of voters in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Arizona to defeat Donald Trump.

    The WFP has also played a critical role in winning a $15 minimum wage in states and cities across the country, including Connecticut, New Jersey, New York, Maryland, and Denver, with active campaigns in Rhode Island and New Mexico.