Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Saturday, December 19, 2020

Judges Toss Georgia Voter Suppression Cases.  I love the headline.  Congrats to ‘Judge Briskly’.

Defense Department Shuts Down Biden Briefings.  Lies about it. Gets called out on it.

Conservative Groups Opposed To Federal Aid Got Millions In Federal Aid Targeted For Small Businesses.  The absolute corruption of this administration knows no bounds.  Great reporting.

Kushner’s Shell Corporation Paid Over $1 Billion To Trump’s Family Members.  Hmmm, was that shell corporation housed in Delaware? How the scheme worked:

The real genius of the shell company, called American Made Media Consultants Corporation and American Made Media Consultants LLC (AMMC), was that it evaded federally mandated disclosures that would have provided insights into where Trump’s campaign cash was being funneled. Even some of Trump’s top advisors and campaign staff—who were aware of the company—say they knew next to nothing about its operations. Campaign finance records reveal that more than $600 million was spent through AMMC, but it’s unclear exactly where that money went.

Another Covid-Denying Elected Official Dies Of Covid.  After attending a dinner with other Covid-denying Rethugs.

Where Does Everything Go When A Mall Shuts Down?  Neon signs and mannequins in high demand by ‘dead mall enthusiasts’.  Read it, take your mind off of everything else for a few minutes.

How The Moderna Vaccine Will Roll Out.  It will be shipped to 3800 sites starting this weekend.

Delaware Rethugs Urge D’s To Hold ‘Controversial’ Bills.  You simply have to read Hocker’s rationale to understand how ridiculous this proposal is. An excerpt:

“It is absurd to eliminate personal contact with citizens and then claim you are doing them a favor by providing the feeble substitute of online access,” Sen. Gerald Hocker, R-Ocean View, said. “A Zoom session or any other virtual meeting is an inadequate replacement for face-to-face interaction.

Translation: ‘If the corporate lobbyists are denied free reign,  stuff we/they don’t like might pass.’  Fuck them.  They’re in the distinct minority for a reason.

What do you want to talk about?

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