Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Sunday, December 20, 2020

How Trump’s ‘Denial, Mismanagement, And Magical Thinking’ Led To The Pandemic’s Dark Winter.  Great detailed reporting from the Washington Post.  You have to work to screw things up this badly.

Operation Warp Speed General Apologizes.  Is this the first time any Administration official has apologized for anything?

Trump Still Runs Interference For Russia.  Hey, it could be China. Could be some 500-pound guy living in his parents’ basement.

‘Folks, We’re In Crisis’.  Biden unveils climate team.  A strong group, IMO.

NCC Shares CARES Funds For Humane State Purposes.  This, along with housing the homeless at the former Sheraton, are the hallmarks of a County Executive and County Council with empathy.  Thumbs up from me.

Rethugs Winning Georgia Ad Wars.  Not a great sign, IMO.

What do you want to talk about?

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