Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Monday, December 21, 2020

How Trump Drove The Lie That The Election Was Stolen.  Some excerpts:

He has done so by harnessing the power of his position, using his pulpit at the White House and his Twitter feed to let loose a fusillade of conspiracy theories. His assault on the integrity of the election has gotten a hefty assist from pro-Trump media outfits and an assortment of state lawmakers and lawyers who gave oxygen to the debunked allegations — and a majority of congressional Republicans, who called on the Supreme Court to overturn the results in four states.

Trump is continuing to press his case, even now that the electoral college has formally elected Biden. In a meeting with allies on Friday, the president discussed deploying the military to rerun the election and appointing attorney Sidney Powell, whose conspiracy theories about election fraud have been widely discredited, as a special counsel to investigate the outcome.

Along the way, Trump has willfully damaged two bedrocks of American democracy that he has been going after for years: confidence in the media as a source of trusted information and faith in systems of government. It might be one of his lasting legacies.

Which reminds me…look who was at the White House last night.  Trump is not gonna let this go.  Rethugs are horrified–at the dropping of an F-bomb in a Glamour magazine article by a Biden operative. Priorities, pipples.  Voter suppression remains a top Rethug priority, and state legislators are taking their cues from Trump.

Giuliani: Seize The Voting MachinesVoting machine manufacturers threaten lawsuits against media outlets claiming fraud.  The threat is already having an impact.

Biden’s Worst Cabinet Pick.  WTF was he thinking?  Another evaluation–equally critical.  Indefensible.

Congress Reaches Deal On Covid ReliefThree-martini lunch gets special breakMarshall Islanders finally get promised health careConsumers get relief from surprise medical billsPell Grants to be restored for incarcerated students.  Clinton and Biden deep-sixed them with the passage of the Omnibus Crime Bill.  As of 8:10 this morning, nobody has seen the text of this bill, which is scheduled to be voted on later today.  You can bet there are all kinds of landmines in there that won’t be discovered until after the fact.

Covid Outbreak At Cali Megachurch, Church Covers It Up. Church ministers, at least in part, to the Filipino community.

Seaweed Key To Slowing Global Warming?  Could be. It stops cows from farting.

Rethugs Terrified Of Electoral College Floor Fight.  It’s a ‘bad look’, you see.

What do you want to talk about?

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