Has Biden Botched Trump’s Tantrum?

Filed in National by on January 2, 2021

Biden has his reasons for appearing aloof and not much of a fighter in the face of Trump’s ongoing attacks on American democracy. Ceding the field to Republicans and waiting for them to stumble over their own idiocy is a favorite strategy of DC-based dems like Biden.

The track record of that strategy isn’t mixed. It sucks.

On January 6th Trump is encouraging his empty-headed followers to protest in support of Trump’s ongoing, anti-American attempts to overturn the election results. Biden should not let the day pass without landing some haymakers on Trump.

We have a name for people like Trump who come in second in presidential elections – losers

If he thinks he can beat me, he should run for the Republicans nomination. If Republicans are stupid enough to nominate him – I’ll beat his ass agin.

Trump is a loser and a complete failure.

Trump keeps failing because his arguments are as flimsy and weak as the flimsy 2 miles of border wall he built.

The war Trump is trying to start is rhetorical (for now). It is well past time for Biden to join the battle.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. puck says:

    Better to press that attack after Trump has lost the power of the incumbency (and Biden has gained it), and Trump is under indictment and has lost his Twitter account. And even so, Biden has better things to do with his first hundred days than engage in flame wars with the ex-president. Getting in a slap-fight with the loser will just make Biden look weak. Better to let the Justice Department do the speaking.

  2. puck says:

    The Dem messaging I want to take hold is that Republicans are kooks who hate America, just as they have done to us for 40 years. It’s always been true about Republicans but now it is so readily apparent that it could stick with unified messaging. And as loser Trump devolves deeper into insanity it will become so plain his followers are nut jobs, that even the MSM will have to note it. But Joe Biden is not the man to lead that charge.

    • jason330 says:

      Biden doesn’t have to get in a slap fight to respond simply and truthfully truthfully: Trump is a kook who hates America.

      Let surrogates take it from there.

  3. puck says:

    The President is never the hatchet man. Reagan framed his attacks with corrosive lies like “There you go again” and “It’s not that liberals are ignorant; it’s that they know so much that isn’t so” that never got tagged as the baseless and toxic attacks that they were. Biden doesn’t have the disposition or the skills to pull that off.

  4. Alby says:

    I think you’re way off base here, Jason. Puffed-chest shittalking is for loser conservatives.

    • Jason330 says:

      Yeah. And what has it gotten them except a majority in the senate, most state houses, the Supreme Court and two wholly unqualified Presidents?

      • Alby says:

        Sorry, but I’m not in favor of the president shit-talking like cousin Cletus. In case you hadn’t noticed, that doesn’t impress liberals. The white male liberals, perhaps, but they’re a small part of the liberal coalition. Why alienate the women, our actual constituency?

        You seem to assume that those results would hold had the Republicans not rigged elections through voter suppression. I do not assume that. To react to the outcome as if they were fair elections is to react to the wrong thing.

        Did you change your avatar, or is that post from an imposter?

        • Jason330 says:

          Election rigging is a tool in the toolbox just as keeping the base engaged by using combative rhetoric.

          I don’t know where that avatar came from.

  5. Alby says:

    It’s not like Joe can’t be combative.

    In an April 2006 episode of the HBO talk show Real Time, Bill Maher was assailing political figures for being too overtly religious, when Biden interrupted to relate a conversation he once had with a Democratic colleague. Biden told this fellow senator that his mother dedicates a rosary every Sunday to her deceased brother. “And he looked at me and said, ‘I think that’s quaint.’ And I said, ‘…were we not senators, I’d rip your goddamn Adam’s apple out, because who the hell are you to look at my mother and say it’s “quaint”?’ We have too many elites in our party who look down their nose on people of faith.”

    In 2005, the Cincinnati Enquirer quoted him as saying, “The next Republican that tells me I’m not religious, I’m going to shove my rosary beads down their throat.”

    That indicates his lack of rhetorical bluster is a conscious choice.