You Simply MUST Watch ‘Trial 4’.

Filed in Arts and Entertainment, Featured by on January 2, 2021

It’s on Netflix.  An incredible episodic documentary about a 1993 killing of a Boston policeman, and how the ‘justice’ system fixated on a Black suspect who spent 22 years in prison.  Each episode is around 55 minutes long, and it’s compelling TV. Everybody who wished to speak had the chance to speak.  You will get to know two unforgettable people while watching–Sean Ellis, the suspect who ended up in jail for all those years, and Rosemary Scapicchio, an attorney and warrior for justice if ever there was one.

My oldest daughter had recommended it.  I’m not that much of a binge-watcher (‘Breaking Bad’ aside), but I was hooked early on and, well, couldn’t stop bingeing.

This is a piece for our time, especially in light of the Black Lives Matter movement and the brilliant work of the Innocence Project.

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  1. Alby says:

    No offense, but no way I’m devoting 8 hours of my life to a story that’s going to do nothing but get me angry. It’s not as if I’m unaware of the corruption of police, a story that’s about 1 second younger than the existence of police.

  2. Well, it’s not a polemic. And there was some tremendous investigative journalism at the time that demonstrated the corruption of the officers involved in the case.

    Also, the work done by Ellis’ lawyer is something to behold, especially how they uncovered the key link in the case, one that had been withheld for over twenty years.

    Far from a one-note piece.

    • Alby says:

      I believe you, but it’s not a polemic I’m avoiding. It’s the fact that this will only make me angry. I already have that feeling just reading the news every day.