DL Open Thread: Sunday, January 3, 2021

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on January 3, 2021

Wednesday Is Gonna Be A Shitshow.  Rethug senators vs. the votersPence egging them onSlackjawed RWNJ’s descend on DC.  All to protest Trump’s loss by over 7 million votes.  Anti-democracy on display for the world to see.

Will January 6 Mark The End Of The Rethuglican Party?  Steve Schmidt thinks so.

Today’s Speakership Vote A Tricky Hurdle For Pelosi.  The hurdle? Covid.  Who will be there to vote?

‘Can’t Anybody Here Draw A Decent Palmetto Tree?’.  South Carolinians reject proposed design for state flag.  Can’t say that I blame them: It does look like a toilet brush.

State Senate Establishes Committee To Address Housing Issues.  Senators Brian Townsend and Marie Pinkney will lead the committee. It’s a work in progress, but it’s progress.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. Jason330 says:

    If team Biden thinks they can win the midterms and re-election with policies and accomplishments – they are far stupider than I ever imagined.

    Vote fraud is the new Benghazi. It doesn’t matter to voters that it is complete bullshit. The only thing that matters is that the GOP advertising jingles ring in their ears.

  2. Jason330 says:

    Steve Schmidt is optimistic in thinking that there is a pro-Democracy remnant within the GOP.

    Beyond Mitt Romney, the pro-democracy remnant is as imaginary as Coons’ super secret bipartisan caucus.

    • meatball says:

      Agreed. When 80% of self described republicans “believe” trump won the election, the same republican narrative goes out the window.

  3. bamboozer says:

    In the voice of Bugs Bunny: Oh Pu-leeze, the Republican party will survive and be the same old crap it ever was. Steve Shmidt needs to send me some of what he’s smoking ( as I’m out) . Racism, hatred and the rich out to buy the government are not going away any time soon. America remains a corrupt and bordering on failed state we’ve been for half a century or more. As ever the same old same old of Republican politics will be back again and again. (Bengahazi!) Not until we Boomers pass will any sense of normalcy return.

  4. nathan arizona says:

    Schmidt is distinguishing between what he calls the fascist wing of the republican party and the “pro-democracy” wing. I think that’s a valid distinction no matter how wrong the views of the latter are about what to champion within a democratic framework. In a truly democratic system they can be outvoted. The fascist wing will call itself the Republican Party, so in that sense the party would not die. It seems likely that some coalition between the “pro-democracy” republicans and the moderate majority of democrats will be necessary to prevent fascism from prevailing. In 1930s Germany, that kind of coalition did not happen.

  5. Nathan arizona says:

    Also the left, of course, in that coalition. Everybody against the fascists.

  6. Andrew C says:

    Republicans, as always, will fall in line. They’re not splitting off any time soon because it would be the deathknell of any of their power. They’re terrible people, not stupid ones, the elected officials at least.