DL Open Thread: Monday, January 4, 2020

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on January 4, 2021

All Living Defense Secretaries Argue Against Involving Military In Election.  This is neither an academic exercise, nor is it taking a place in a vacuum.  They have at least some reason to believe that Trump is considering a military coup to keep himself in power. After yesterday, do you have any doubt that their concern is justified?

It’s A Crime, Isn’t It? If trying to secure an election result contrary to the official vote is not a crime, what is?  He’s on tape. For an hour.  Y’know, maybe Governor Stacey Abrams will revisit this after 2022…

Look Who’s Getting The Medal Of Honor From Trump.  Russia’s favorite congressman, Devin Nunes.

Operation Warped Priorities Solution To Vaccine Rollout Clusterfuck–cut the doses in half and claim it’s equally effective.

Google Employees Seek Unionization.  They’ve got a long way to go, I wish them well.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. Alby says:

    Delaware’s crack journalists seem to have lost all contact with this state’s Republican leaders. That’s quite convenient for Jane Brady.

    C’mon, political reporters. Which side is she on? What about the rest of the state’s elected Republicans? Why are you neglecting to get these poltroons on the record?

    • jason330 says:

      Extremely annoying. It is as if The NJ has decided to protect that delicate sensibilities and interests of the state’s remaining GOP lawmakers.

  2. nathan arizona says:

    More likely the news-journal just doesn’t give a shit.

    • mediawatch says:

      Yeah, but … we’ve got another brewery opening, not to mention a reopening of Main Street in Smyrna, and it’s going to be a warm winter in Delmarva … and the cops gave us some deets on two more shootings.
      Priorities, you know.

      • Alby says:

        I’ll never forget Herb Pinder shooting down a story idea about a split in the state GOP — this is all the way back in the ’90s, at the start of its decline — by declaring, “It’s just politics.” Ass-licking always outweighed ability under Gannett.

        • Faithful Skeptic says:

          Herb Pinder? You knew Herb Pinder? The wandering Gannett “community editor” was moved at least 3 times that I know of, and now you’ve added a fourth. Is he still around?

          • Alby says:

            I don’t know where he started, but he was in Wilmington for many years, maybe a decade, before he went to Westchester County.

            Back then we were called assistant metro editors.

            An editor not in his chain of command once asked me, “He’s not a word guy, and he’s not a people guy. What is he?”