Georgia Election Results Open Thread

Filed in Featured, National by on January 5, 2021

Polls Close at 7.

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  1. NYTimes projections currently show both Warnock and Ossoff winning if trends continue. Of course, trends don’t continue in a straight line.

    To me, it shows that the D’s upped their mail-in game even from November. The question is: Will R’s up their same-day vote game today?

  2. FWIW, the D’s are outperforming the mail vote percentages that Biden got in the general. At least in Fulton and Gwinnett Counties. That’s good news. Because…Biden won in November.

  3. Granted, it’s a small county. But Franklin County, a strong R county,had a turnout 23% lower than during the general. Good news for the D’s, if replicated.

  4. jason330 says:

    I’m not starting my watching yet or I’ll be a mess by 10:00

  5. Washington County is a rural county with a relatively large black population. It went for the two R’s in November, not by much, but still. It flipped to the D’s this time. Around 51.5%.

  6. Perdue has taken the lead, and he’s outpolling Loeffler.

    I think that the bulk of the remaining vote is in the Atlanta area, so I’m hopeful.

  7. NYTimes projects Warnock’s chances of winning at 80%, Ossoff’s at 67%.

  8. Warnock looks like he’s won.

    Ossoff is real close. I think he will pull it out.

    Holy bleep!

  9. NBC projects there are about 73,000 votes left to count.

    If that’s accurate, Ossoff wins, based on where the outstanding votes are.

  10. Ben says:

    Give. Abrams. Control. Of. The. Party.

    The Era of old white coastal liberals is over.

    • She may be too busy running for Governor. Not sure she can do both.

    • puck says:

      Warnock has to run again next year. Let’s hope Abrams’s turnout machine is still strong with or without Abrams.

      • Agreed. However, there are encouraging signs. Abrams will likely be on the ticket.

        The R’s are in total disarray in Georgia. Kemp will likely be primaried. Who will run against Warnock, the even further RWNJ loser of the Rethug primary to Loeffler?

        Not to mention, demographics are ultimately destiny. Practically speaking, the R’s no longer have a clear majority in Georgia, and the old white people are dying out.

        • mediawatch says:

          May well be that the oldest white people in Georgia are Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter. Long may they live.