Dems March Through Georgia Open Thread

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on January 6, 2021

Make no mistake: They’ve won ’em both.  Ossoff has a 16,000 vote lead, more than what Biden won Georgia by.  The remaining smattering of outstanding votes are in strong D areas.

So Many Heroes, Stacey Abrams First Among Them.  It is impossible to overstate how hard it is to build a coalition the way that she, and so many others, did.

Clap, Clap, Clapclapclap, THANK You,DONald.  His post-election behavior turned off more than enough voters to flip these seats.

Your Obligatory ‘Rethugs In Disarray’ Article.  Clap, clap, clapclapclap…well, they ARE in disarray.  We may see it on the Senate floor today.

I’ll add more articles as the day progresses. But, you get the idea.  Feel free to GLOAT.

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  1. Jason330 says:

    Joe Scar is conflicted. Bernie Sanders just took over the Senate to hear him tell it Moderate Dems will need to compromise their asses off.

    Proud boys, proud boys whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do when they come for you.

  2. Ben says:

    Old Crow Medicine Show has a version of Marching Through Georgia that I recommend everyone listen to. OCMS’s Ketch Secor and Molly Tuttle also recently released a song called “Flippin Blue” for this race.

  3. bamboozer says:

    Will be an interesting day to say the least. Hope to see evil old Mitch McConnell toppled, hope to see Trump dragged out of the White House in handcuffs. Would love to see the Republican congressmen and senators charged with sedition as they are the proverbial guilty as sin. But they will not be, as we remain plagued by timid Dem politicians like Coons and Carper.

  4. Jason330 says:

    BTW Warnock was the Justice Democrats endorsed candidate who beat a milk toast middle of the road Dem in a primary. So fuck you Coons

  5. mediawatch says:

    With Mitch muted, maybe Chris and Carper can pull an occasional Rethug across he aisle with their bipartisan BS. Not betting on it, not saying it matters, but suspect that Coons would like to have “proof” of bipartisanship for his next set of brochures.

  6. meatball says:

    I just read when these two new senators are seated that the democratic half of the Senate will represent 41.5 million more Americans than the republican half.