Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Wednesday, January 6, 2021: Non-Georgia Edition

Trump Prepares To Throw Pence Under The Bus.  The coup officially fails today.  Will poor Mike be OK?  Doctors fear he might have to undergo a lipunsuction procedure.

Won’t Stop The Troglodytes, Though.  The Head Trogg will be there to air his grievances.  The myth of his invulnerability has crumbled.  I’m calling it:  Feel free to enjoy the frisson of schadenfreude.  ‘Hey, kids, let’s put on a superspreader event’They’re total dicks–here they are harassing Mitt Romney.

Brokers Will Have To Reveal Kickbacks They Get From Insurance Industry.  A nice provision tucked into the coronavirus relief package.

Pa. Rethugs Refuse To Seat Duly-Elected State Senator.  Anti-democratic to the core.

Another Trump Conspiracy Theorist Bites The Dust.  Announces her candidacy for Oklahoma AG in 3-2-1.

OSHA To Workers: ‘Tough shit’.  They literally did nothing to protect workers from Covid.  Biden had better put someone dedicated to worker safety in charge. I suspect he will.

Wilmington City Council: STILL Delaware’s Worst Legislative Body.  Not a good night for Trippi Congo–or the City.

What do you want to talk about?

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