DL Open Thread: Wednesday, January 6, 2021: Non-Georgia Edition

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on January 6, 2021

Trump Prepares To Throw Pence Under The Bus.  The coup officially fails today.  Will poor Mike be OK?  Doctors fear he might have to undergo a lipunsuction procedure.

Won’t Stop The Troglodytes, Though.  The Head Trogg will be there to air his grievances.  The myth of his invulnerability has crumbled.  I’m calling it:  Feel free to enjoy the frisson of schadenfreude.  ‘Hey, kids, let’s put on a superspreader event’They’re total dicks–here they are harassing Mitt Romney.

Brokers Will Have To Reveal Kickbacks They Get From Insurance Industry.  A nice provision tucked into the coronavirus relief package.

Pa. Rethugs Refuse To Seat Duly-Elected State Senator.  Anti-democratic to the core.

Another Trump Conspiracy Theorist Bites The Dust.  Announces her candidacy for Oklahoma AG in 3-2-1.

OSHA To Workers: ‘Tough shit’.  They literally did nothing to protect workers from Covid.  Biden had better put someone dedicated to worker safety in charge. I suspect he will.

Wilmington City Council: STILL Delaware’s Worst Legislative Body.  Not a good night for Trippi Congo–or the City.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. Can we put the brakes on this for at least the next few weeks?. It’s unseemly:


  2. jason330 says:

    “Trump Prepares To Throw Pence Under The Bus. ”

    What’s Trump’s game? Is he just knee-capping Pence for shits and giggles or does he view him as a future threat?

    • He can’t accept blame for anything.

      Making everybody else a potential scapegoat.

    • mediawatch says:

      Trump has driven the bus off the road and into the ditch. He’s killing pedestrians now. The remaining GOP drivers (assuming they still have brains), like Mike and Mitch, now have nothing to fear.

  3. bamboozer says:

    Trump is in caged wild animal mode, he’s several miles past desperate at this point and lashing out at any and all who won’t do his bidding, today it’s Mike Pence’s turn. Cool.

  4. Shit show starts: Member objects to Arizona count. Rethugs give standing ovation for questioning democracy.

  5. Looks like they’ve evacuated the Senate chamber, which is now full of Capitol Police. The MAGAts have occupied the stairs outside the Capitol, and they’re pretty damned unruly.

    This is close to a riot situation with the participants egged on by Trump, who urged them to storm the Capitol.


    Here’s more:


    It IS a riot:


  6. Alby says:

    They have adjourned the Senate.

  7. GeoBumm says:

    Jesus knitting needles Christ, how the hell could they not have been ready for this?

    • Exactly. Where the fuck was Homeland Security when THIS happened? In Portland? In Seattle? Rousting kids at the border?

      Trump had been calling for just this kind of a protest. It had to be an ‘all hands on deck’ situation.

      Trump is reportedly ‘monitoring’ the situation, does not intend to make a statement. They need to go back into session and impeach him.

      • puck says:

        The rioters must have had help on the inside. Don’t they have a lockdown procedure where all the interior doors are locked? Were doors broken down, or what?

        From the same NYT article:

        A Capitol Police officer tried to reason with the crowd: “You guys just need to go outside,” he pleaded with a man in a green backpack. When asked why they weren’t expelling the protesters, the officer said, “We’ve just got to let them do their thing now.”

  8. Delawarelefty says:

    Fascist scum and prison gangs have seized the capital……time to water the tree of liberty.

  9. They had better arrest a whole shitload of people. You can’t attack the US Capitol Building w/o consequences.

  10. puck says:

    This was first of all an intelligence failure, probably a wilful one. DHS had already identified white militia groups as the primary domestic threat. And today’s groups telegraphed their intentions heavily. Surely many of them were already on law enforcement radar and were being monitored. The scale of the attacks should have been known (and probably was).

  11. Alby says:

    This was a planned attack on the country. Because it’s Trump and the rest of his morans, it’s half-assed and doomed to failure.

  12. Ossoff’s margin of victory was larger than .5%, so there will be no recount.

  13. BTW, looks like Pence is the acting President. HE called in the National Guard, not Trump.