DL Open Thread Non-Coup (Sorta) Edition: Thursday, January 7, 2021

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on January 7, 2021

BTW, Biden Is Officially The President-Elect.  You would have had to stay up until 5 am or so to know it.  But, it happened.

This IS Who We Are.  The notion of the ‘United States As Example’ is dead.  Highly-recommended read. A sample:

Over the past four years, that example has been badly damaged. We elected a president who refused to recognize the democratic process. We stood by while some members of Donald Trump’s party cynically colluded with him, helping him break laws and rules designed to restrain him. We indulged his cheerleading “media”—professional liars who pretended to believe the president’s stories, including his invented claims of massive voter fraud. Then came the denouement: an awkward, cack-handed invasion of the Capitol by the president’s supporters, some dressed in strange costumes, others sporting Nazi symbols or waving Confederate flags.

BTW, Dems Win Control Of The Senate.  You might have missed it.  Ossoff’s victory exceeds margin that would have precipitated a recount.

Trump Promises ‘Orderly Transition’.  Too late.

McConnell: Georgia Results Were Trump’s Fault.  They were. If Trump couldn’t win, he’d take them down. And he did.

Legislators Seek Inquiry Into Delaware Prisons Covid Outbreaks.  Good. It’s time that Claire ‘Keep A Lid On It’ DeMatteis is held accountable.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. Trump To Award Medals Of Freedom To–Three Golfers:


    There is no more essential freedom than the Freedom To Golf.

    • Alby says:

      For Trump, it’s closely linked to the freedom to launder Russian oligarch money.

    • John Kowalko says:

      Hey all of you cultist revolutionaries, I imagine after yesterday’s act of domestic terrorism and attempted coup in our nation’s capitol, (incited and encouraged by your idol Trump), you guys will be inspired to pack your AK 47’s, camouflage-underwear and body armor and share-ride to the next opportunity to promote/demand your vision for change. Real sad how that woman consumed by an intense patriotic fervor and a head filled with QAnon inspired delusion was shot dead while actively and willingly engaging in criminal activities of terrorism and sedition. Maybe if Trump had awarded her one of those “Medals of Freedom” like he’s done with Putin henchman Nunez, child-molester protector Jordan or OXY spokesperson Limbaugh the medal would have deflected the round.

  2. gas says:

    Yesterday’s fiasco perfectly reflects the Trump presidency: an embarrassment, a disgrace, and a failure.

  3. The new phony meme being circulated by Trump’s Army:


    Yep, it was ANTIFA that agitated the crowd. Must’ve been a deepfake President up there yesterday.

    • jason330 says:

      “They were ANTIFA” will be easily debunked when those trumpers seek a plea bargain to avoid jail time.

      • Alby says:

        It’s already being debunked. Many of these people posted openly to their Instagram and Facebook accounts, and those accounts are filled with months and years of MAGA-infested rot.

  4. Biden Nominates Rhode Island Gina Raimondo To Serve as Commerce Secretary:


    Better than an R CEO.

    I’m takin’ a break for a couple of hours. It’ll be up to you to keep up with all the stuff that’s going down today.

  5. puck says:

    Stock market hits record highs, doesn’t give a f**K about coups or US stability, reportedly salivating for new stimulus checks from a Dem Congress.