DL Open Thread: Trump-Incited Coup Edition

Filed in Featured, National, Open Thread by on January 7, 2021

Trump brought ’em to DC, lit the fuse, incited them, and pointed them in the direction of the US Capitol.  An assault on democracy to keep a despot in power.

Only 52 arrests?  There would be at least 52 dead if this was a BLM rally…not to mention a storming of the Capitol would not have taken place at a BLM rally.

Deep cleansing breaths.  OK, I’ll post some key articles, then open it up to you:

Criminals Get Kid Glove Treatment.  It’s official–justice is not blind.

MAGA vs. BLM. Compare and contrast the police response.

What It Was Like.

The Abject Security Failure.  Everybody knew this was coming.  The rioters weren’t supposed to get anywhere near the Capitol.  To my knowledge, not a single law enforcement agency has publicly explained anything.  Congressman Tim Ryan put it best:

“It’s pretty clear that there’s going to be a number of people who are going to be without employment very, very soon,” Ryan said in a digital press conference Wednesday. He criticized “the lack of professional planning and dealing with what we knew was going to occur.”

Was it incompetence, and/or did some of the cops enable what happened?

This Had Been Planned For Months. In Plain Sight.  So, again, why was the police response so pathetic?

Pence, Not Trump, Called Out National Guard:

President Trump initially rebuffed and resisted requests to mobilize the National Guard, according to a person with knowledge of the events. It required intervention from the White House counsel, Pat Cipollone, among other officials, the person familiar with the events said.

Cabinet Considering 25th Amendment?  I think that many in DC are seriously considering how to remove him from office ASAP.  How could they not?

Kansas City Star: Blood Is On Hawley’s Hands.  He used the riot as a pretext to raise campaign funds.  I wonder if there are enough votes to expel him from the Senate.

Support For Trump Disintegrates.  This tweet from Trump came after the rioting started:

“These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away.”

Got him put in a Twitter time-out.  Gee, that’s all?

I know there are a zillion other articles.  Feel free to post them, and, of course, tell us what you think.

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  1. puck says:

    Rep. Zoe Lofgren, D-Calif., chairwoman of the House Administration Committee, said the breach “raises grave security concerns,″ adding that her committee will work with House and Senate leaders to review the police response — and its preparedness.

  2. puck says:

    I keep thinking about reports that Pence ordered the National Guard to take action. That is probably the most disturbing thing I heard yesterday. Because if Pence was not the acting President, then he had no Constitutional authority to order troops. Sure it worked out in the end yesterday, but in the long run here’s the disturbing thing – that the Guard accepted orders, orders to march on Washington, from someone who had no authority to order them. That’s how the future successful coup will begin.

    • Alby says:

      Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe they just listen to the seniormost official who isn’t out of his mind.

      Try not to overthink it. Military people ignored Trump orders for four years. You could make the case the coup will begin that way, too.

      It’s not as if we actually follow the laws and Constitution anyway. We do it when it’s convenient. Yesterday, it wasn’t convenient.

  3. Staffers were ordered to stay away from Trump, lest they inadvertently commit treason or sedition:


  4. jason330 says:

    The news needs to stop calling the rioters “Pro-Trump” and use the more accurate “Republicans”

  5. puck says:

    Did Pence just have his Al Haig moment?

    Yesterday, Acosta from CNN quoted a source close to Trump saying the President is “out of his mind.”

    “The quote used by this source is ‘He is out of his mind.’ And the source said the president is so traumatized by his loss in the election, it is all he can talk about, it is all he can think about. It’s all-consuming for him. ”

    My speculative hunch is this source was Chris Miller (Acting Sec Defense), who coordinated with Pence to move in the National Guard to bring an end to the coup attempt. As I said earlier, this is disturbing because it bypassed the Constitution. Was there at least a tacit agreement among the Cabinet to invoke the 25th?

  6. bamboozer says:

    First let’s admit that if the so called protestors had been black they would have been beaten and perhaps shot. Then let’s admit that rubber bullets and tear gas would have been there in abundance. Then there’s the question of where the hell was the National Guard? It was also obvious that at least some of the police were on the side of the Fascists and white supremacists that have become the core of the Republican party. Expect little from congress, even less from the police. These people will be back, bet on it.

  7. Arthur says:

    Mick Mulvaney resigned and said he spoke to other who will also resign but some wont because they are afraid Trump will appoint someone worse. SOMEONE WORSE.

    • Alby says:

      Cosplay commando.

      Nice to see one of them understands that the point of a death cult is to die.

    • GeoBumm says:

      Fun thought: The conserv-o-sphere is settling on the ‘fact’ that these weren’t Trumpers, but actually Antifa under a false-flag operation to discredit them (or so my wife reports from Facebook postings). So, if this takes hold, I might fully expect this chair sitter to be called out not as a Trumper Hero, but actually as an Antifa infiltrator. I know logic escapes these folks, but that has to be the case, right? And wouldn’t that just be sweet; those of his ilk consider him an Antifa infiltrator and those on the other side a seditionist Trumper. Either way, he might just get what he’s prepared for, just not from the messenger he is expecting. Enjoy your 15 minutes, bro.

      • Alby says:

        They all have social media accounts that give lie to this lie. It’s just the first lie they could think of. They’ll have to abandon it in the next few days.

        If I had to predict, I’d say the fallback defense perimeter is “It wasn’t violent until the Capital Police shot us.”

  8. Woman who was shot and killed in Capitol was a true Q believer:


    No thoughts and prayers for her.

    • GeoBumm says:

      A 14-year air force vet who was in intelligence and information, IIRC. Her husband did not attend and her mother in law doesn’t know why she participated. Anecdotally, we are seeing several people we know outing themselves as fervent Trumpists and it boggles my mind. Intelligent, gay, socially well adjusted. True, a minority, but the fact that minority even exists is a curiosity to me.

      Tin foil hat: I recall hearing that health effects due to lead in plumbing may have contributed to at least part of the Roman empire collapse. Seeing as we are all in a bath of chemicals, I kind of wonder if that is contributing to long term mental changes. For example, poly and per-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), which are detectable in everybody’s blood. See ‘The Devil We Know’ on Netflix if you want to see DuPont and PFOA in a not-so-good-light.
      Or not–Sorry for the digression

      • Alby says:

        Y’know, it’s amazing to me that it took that documentary for people to notice PFOA. It was reported at least 17 years ago that it was in the bloodstream of nearly everyone on the planet. The example at the time was that it was found in the blood system of nomads in Outer Mongolia.

        It reminds me of the Catholic Church pedophilia scandal. The Boston Globe first broke that story in the 1980s, 20 years before it got nationwide attention.

  9. Alby says:

    Rick Wilson of the Lincoln Project made a good point: The anger Trump has fueled is so incoherent and stochastic that the mob had no idea what to do once they took over the Capitol, and was instead just another display of their cult-like devotion to the defeated president.

  10. Alan Muller says:

    I had a note from person unknown to me saying that six busloads of Delaware trumpers went to DC to participate in yesterdays festivities. Anybody know anything about this?

  11. John Kowalko says:

    Hey all of you cultist revolutionaries, I imagine after yesterday’s act of domestic terrorism and attempted coup in our nation’s capitol, (incited and encouraged by your idol Trump), you guys will be inspired to pack your AK 47’s, camouflage-underwear and body armor and share-ride to the next opportunity to promote/demand your vision for change. Real sad (???) how that woman consumed by an intense patriotic fervor and a head filled with QAnon inspired delusion was shot dead while actively and willingly engaging in criminal activities of terrorism and sedition. Maybe if Trump had awarded her one of those “Medals of Freedom” like he’s done with Putin henchman Nunez, child-molester protector Jordan or OXY spokesperson Limbaugh the medal would have deflected the round.

  12. BREAKING: McConnell’s wife resigns as Transportation Secretary in protest. Meaning, she won’t be able to invoke the 25th Amendment:


  13. Joe Connor says:

    Her resignation is effective 1/11 which makes her available for 25

  14. Biden is giving a great speech right now. Says it out loud: If this was a Black Lives Matter protest, the response from law enforcement would have been much different.

    He sounds outraged.

  15. John Kowalko says:

    Not every traitorous seditionist wears a MAGA maggot hat, camouflage underwear, and QAnon embroidered armored vests. Don’t forget 2000 Bush v. Gore. When the well-dressed “Dockers” brigade exercised their right to usurp the Constitution.
    The Brooks Brothers riot was a demonstration of hundreds of paid Republican operatives at a meeting of election canvassers in Miami-Dade County, Florida, on November 22, 2000, during a recount of votes made during the 2000 United States presidential election, with the goal of shutting down the recount.[1] After demonstrations and acts of violence, local officials shut down the recount early.

    • jason330 says:

      How can you stand to work with people like Mike Ramone?

    • KL says:

      Rep. Kowalko, in the spirit and consistency of democracy and good faith, why don’t you resign your safe, white male privileged seat to a young BLM constituent?
      I’ll wait.

      • Alby says:

        So, so clever. It’s exactly what a stupid person thinks is a clever “gotcha.”

        You shit heels better start running. We’re coming for you.

      • Delawarelefty says:

        KL…what do folks in Moscow call you?

      • Alby says:

        As everyone but this mook knows, a representative cannot select his replacement. Shows you how little invested in democracy shitbags like this really are.

      • John Kowalko says:

        While you’re waiting go to your mirror and slip that condom over your head. What do you see? Hint: “A DICKHEAD”
        Representative John Kowalko (25th District Delaware) in my 8th term proudly serving all of the people in Delaware equally and fairly, (even you if you move here from Putin’s armpit)

  16. John Kowalko says:

    Let me share my response to cultist Chris Rowe from another site (Kilroys facebook)

    I “suffer fools gladly”. (def. to be kind to and patient with people who are annoying or bothersome). You’re a lot more than annoying or bothersome Chrissy (Rowe) but I “suffer fools gladly” as part of my dedication to public service. Even fools such as you who are consumed with hatred and insecurity. And I would add fools and grifters like Ramone.

  17. Jason330 says:

    You are a better man than I am

    • John Kowalko says:

      Not necessarily a better man than you are, but I will not suffers fools “QUIETLY” anymore.

  18. puck says:

    I don’t normally read reddit but I am enjoying the /r/byebyejob subreddit, which is currently pointing and laughing at dopes who have lost their jobs due to their involvement in the Jan. 6 insurrection.