Join your goddam RD Committee – Part 2

Filed in National by on January 7, 2021

I had my first RD meeting tonight (the 9th). I highly recommend it. In addition to being able to take part in electing the next generation of Democratic Party leadership, you will have direct access to your county council person, state rep, state Senator and the LT Governor. You will need to listen to a lot of people who love the sound of their own voice, and endure people talking about rail road crossings – but that is a small price to pay.

Join prior to Feb 1st. In the age of Zoom, it couldn’t be easier. You have no excuse.

– Join your RD
– Become a committee person
– Help elect more Democrats
– Help hold elected Dems accountable

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (4)

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  1. jason330 says:

    Mitch, or someone check me on this – people have to join prior to Feb 4th to become a “committee person” and take part in the reorg vote. Do I have that right?

  2. liberalgeek says:

    Not quite. over the next 2+ months, RDs will have their meetings to reorganize. These meetings will be advertised (at least 10 days in advance) on the DelDems website. You should be able to submit paperwork to be elected, but the easiest way is to show up at the appointed time.

    Also, it is a bit of a faux pas to put a meeting screenshot on the Interwebz without letting people know that you are going to do so.

  3. jason330 says:

    Thanks for the etiquette pointer. I just thought it was interesting that so many elected officials were on the call and that they were all very approachable and interested in listening to regular civilians.

    It is a cliche to say that Delaware is so small that you can run into people – but, meetings like last nights are much better than chance encounters.

    To all liberals listening, join your motherfucking RD committee.

  4. Mitch Crane says:

    liberalgeek is correct. I know that the Sussex reorganization caucuses have all been scheduled and I assume the other county’s RDs have been too. They are Zoom meetings and pre-registration is required. The”doors” close at the set start time, so people need to sign on 15 minutes before.
    In order to vote and/or run for a position, one must have been a registered Democrat for 1 year. Rules differ from RD to RD on whether or not that year had to be in the same RD. There is also a question, unanswered, as to whether or not the 1 year rule disenfranchises those who are less than 19 and therefore can not have been registered for a year. When I was Sussex chair we informally interpreted the Rules to allow those under 19, but who registered Democrat at 18 to run (not that anyone that age did), and, because so many people are moving into Sussex from elsewhere, we required proof that a person was a registered Democrat for a year ANYWHERE.