DL Open Thread: Saturday, January 9, 2021

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on January 9, 2021

The Incoming Senate Environmental Chair Is–Tom Carper.  Incremental change awaits.

Rethuglican Party Embraces Denialism.  Does anything about this gathering seem in touch with reality to you?

Rethuglican State Attorneys General Funded The Mob.  Making them criminals…along with the surviving Koch Brother.  To (half)-wit:

RAGA is a 527 political organization that helps elect Republican attorneys general and can accept unlimited contributions from wealthy individuals and corporations. As previously reported by Documented, RAGA received significant funding from numerous corporations in 2020, including Koch Industries ($375k), Comcast Corporation ($200k), Walmart ($140k), Home Depot ($125k), Amazon ($100k), TikTok ($75k), 1-800 Contacts ($51k), Chevron ($50k), The National Rifle Association ($50k), Monsanto ($50k), Facebook ($50k), Fox Corporation ($50k), Uber ($50k), Coca Cola ($50k), Exxon ($50k), and Google ($25k).

“Who Can I Turn To…When Twitter Won’t Have Me?”.  Trump desperately tries to circumvent Twitter ban. Fails.  Twitter also bans Sidney Powell and Michael Flynn.

Yes, White Supremacists Have Long Since Infiltrated Police Forces.  Time to name names and toss them out.

Climate Change Turning Cities Into Saunas.  You’re not imagining it, it really is hotter in the cities.

57% Of Americans Want Trump Removed Immediately.  I guess it’s time to bow to public opinion.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. Jason330 says:

    57% Of Americans Want Trump Removed Immediately. 12% think he is doing great because they voted for the guy who said he would divide the country and break shit.

  2. bamboozer says:

    The high and mighty will fail as ever and not remove Trump, but I do think his days of power are done. Having said that I feel another attack by the domestic terrorists is imminent, and I certainly agree the police are long infiltrated by the white supremacists. Interesting to note that social media is finally doing the proverbial right thing, a day late and many dollars short.