Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Sunday, January 10, 2021

Trump Fired Federal Prosecutor In Georgia Because He Wouldn’t Investigate Trump’s ‘Voter Fraud’ Claims.  That was the ‘unforeseen circumstance’ the prosecutor cited for leaving.  Trump Pushed Georgia Elections Investigator To ‘Find The Fraud’ In Separate Call.  Paging Mike Pence…

‘Our President Wants Us Here.’  Those weren’t dog whistles he was blowing, they were clarion calls to battle.

Rethugs Press The Mute Button.  BTW, how pathetic is Nikki Haley? There are a few exceptions, though. Like Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania who, of course, is not running for reelection.

Somebody Loan Me A Dime.  Trump may face difficulty finding any banker willing to lend him money come January 21.

‘The American Abyss’.  Just read it.

Arizona GOP Censures—Cindy McCain.  They sure have their priorities in order.  Good luck taking back Arizona with actions like that.

Parler Tricks.  Right-wing website off the internets–for now.  We really need to totally review the function of social media.  I’m not for censorship, but open incitement to riot must be squelched.

Actions Have Consequences:  WVa Legislator ResignsPodium Pilferer NabbedZip-Tie Guy Fired. Car Nutz Car Wash Guy Arrested. There are a couple of real good internet sleuths out there.  They’re gonna get’cha.

How An Ethanol Plant Is Endangering A Nebraska Community.  They ‘recycle’ seeds coated with fungicides and insecticides.

A Preview Of The Upcoming Legislative Session.  I’ll have lots more to say about this with my first Pre-Game Show on Tuesday.  Until then, it’s quiz time: Can you spot the Rethugs’ false meme in the article?

What do you want to talk about?

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