Delaware General Assembly Pre-Game Show: Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on January 12, 2021

I haven’t been this psyched for a legislative session in forever. Members of the 151st General Assembly will be sworn in virtually today. You can view the ceremonies here and here.  I know that so many of you worked on the campaigns of these great freshman legislators.  Sit back and enjoy as they take the oaths of office.

This is by far the most progressive group of legislators we have ever had in Dover. Over the next six months, I hope to see potential become accomplishment.

For those of you unfamiliar with the workings of the General Assembly, I once again present to you my cut-‘n-paste for newbies:

Here’s what to expect in January. The General Assembly will be in session for three weeks and nine sessions, weather permitting.  Governor Carney will present his State of the State address to a joint session. Before the month is out, the governor will present his proposed budget for FY ’22. Delaware’s fiscal year runs from July 1 to June 30. The submission of the budget sets the stage for six weeks of Joint Finance Committee hearings. State agencies come before the committee to present their budget priorities.

Following the six weeks of JFC hearings, the General Assembly will be in session through June 30.  There will be breaks at Easter, and around Memorial Day.  The legislature generally meets for about 50 sessions each year.  There will be some changes this year due to the fact that the General Assembly will at least begin the term meeting virtually.  While Wednesday has traditionally been ‘committee day’ in Dover, look for more committee meetings on the other legislative days as well.

During this first week, the chambers will both officially elect their leaders, the names of whom we’ve known since November, and will officially release the committee assignments. Actually, the House has already released most of the committee assignments, the most egregious of which is the naming of Lumpy Carson to head the Appropriations Committee, meaning he will be the co-chair of the Joint Finance Committee. Not sure he’s ever read a spreadsheet, unless the Happy Hour menu at his local watering hole counts. You will also note that Speaker Pete and Our PAL Val have continued their vendetta against Rep. Paul Baumbach–he’s neither a chair nor vice-chair on any committee, and he’s merely one of the best legislators we have. The leadership has got to change. Maybe one more cycle…

We’ve already had quite a bit of legislation introduced, and the committees should start meeting real soon. Wednesday, in fact.  More on those meetings tomorrow.  I can’t wait to dig into the goodies awaiting us.

Might I take this opportunity to suggest something the House and Senate should do ASAP? I call for them to introduce a Concurrent Resolution condemning President Trump for inciting a riot to overthrow the results of the election.  Make sure that it is a roll call vote (as opposed to a voice vote) to get every single Rethug on the record as to where they stand on the issue of supporting democracy.  I have yet to hear a single word from any Delaware R.  Time to smoke ’em out.

I also want to give big props to Delaware United.  They have become an invaluable resource about the General Assembly and movement on progressive priorities. I follow them. You should too.  Sign up for their action alerts.  They are part of the solution.  A big reason why I’m so optimistic about this year’s agenda.

I’m so glad that we’ve split up the Daily Thread.  I love writing the legislative posts most of all, and now I can give ’em the attention both they and you deserve.  See you tomorrow as real live legislative action begins in  earnest.

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  1. jason330 says:

    LET’S GO!!

    Everyone needs to contact their state Rep and Senator to tell them to support this:

    introduce a Concurrent Resolution condemning President Trump for inciting a riot to overthrow the results of the election.

  2. Harold says:

    Good preview here

    What outlet does everyone prefer for state government coverage? TNJ, DSN, WDEL… what else even is there lol? WBOC and WDDE I guess.