Open Thread – Tuesday January 12th, 2021

Filed in National by on January 12, 2021


The FBI is warning of plans for armed protests in Dover Delaware, and other state capitals the days leading up to President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration.   The coup planners are very candid about their violent intentions. They are telling everyone to “Come pissed!”  and “Come Armed!!” in order to “send a message” by …shooting up the capitol and killing more cops presumably.      Also …freedum!!

FBI bulletin warns armed protests being planned for Delaware State capitol

State Police will not want to hurt these guys feelings, so will these domestic terrorists be allowed to kill a bunch of people in Dover, as planned?  Take the poll ->.

When poor people miss paying a fine it quickly becomes a nightmare with fines piling on top of fines and jail time looming.  When candidates and PAC’s blow off fines it is the very essence of no big deal.    Basically Delaware’s election law enforcement is a fucking joke.  Read ‘Delaware Call’ 

Political Leaders, PACs Owe Thousands in Election Fines: Campaign finance violations unenforced at Department of Elections

Each year in Delaware, more than a hundred individuals, mostly of lower-income, receive probation or are incarcerated for failing to pay fines and fees to the state. The same cannot be said, however, for political candidates and political action committees (PACs) that have accumulated thousands of dollars in fines for campaign finance violations. Political candidates and PACs can rack up sizable fines for failing to file financial disclosure reports, which are required by law so the public knows who is financing political campaigns.


State Senator Sarah McBride joins REV in the virtual bunker


Fuck this guy. 

Joe Manchin Had to Start Being a Dick RIGHT From the Get Go

Joe Manchin, the Democratic West Virginia senator who is a Republican in all but name, represents a state suffering immense economic hardship under COVID-19. Yet he is threatening to block a new round of $2,000 survival checks that his constituents — and all of us — badly need.



Undoing GOP fuckups is going to take 50 years.  This project was originally fucked up by Gov Chris Christie 

Senate Flip Buoys NJ-NY Tunnel Backers Who Hope Schumer Delivers


CCBC cancels winter sports until at least April 1st

What would you like to talk about?




About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Joe Connor says:

    “Spread the word ! Ask off from work ASAP!”

    I cant even!

  2. jason330 says:

    What are the alternating American Flag & Skull emojis meant to communicate? What is it Alby calls them, a death cult?

  3. jason330 says:

    A party of sociopaths.

    Rep. Pramila Jayapal

    I just received a positive COVID-19 test result after being locked down in a secured room at the Capitol where several Republicans not only cruelly refused to wear a mask but recklessly mocked colleagues and staff who offered them one.

  4. I LOVE your Open Threads.

  5. Alby says:

    About this Republican call for “unity” and “healing” — it comes from the same place that their fealty to Trump does, their fear of their own voters.

    You saw how quickly they turned on Pence, how they assailed Romney and Graham when they saw them in public. These politicians are cowards of the highest order. They’re scared shitless that if they protect Trump, normal people will vote them out of office, but if they vote against him, his gun-nut MAGAts will kill them.

    They made a deal with the devil, and this insurrection is Old Scratch knocking at the door.

  6. Delawarelefty says:

    Armed insurrection at the seats of government must be met with a deadly counter force. We need to take these deluded assholes at their word.

  7. Alby says:

    The fun part of that gun-nut notice is the illiteracy. Why is “Ashli Babbitt” in quotes?

  8. bamboozer says:

    Ten points for Alby on the seein’ black glasses. Buying a bottle o’ wine on the death of the hated Addelson, may he be joined by a hundred other billionaires.

  9. John Kowalko says:

    WDEL hack Rick Jensen is continuing his apology/excuse tour for those traitors and murderers who invaded the Capitol and their inspirational leader DT. Looking for a direct number to WDEL station or general manager to ask them personally if they are proud of their home-grown Carlson/Hannity. Maybe the FBI should tune in and monitor local stations around the country.

    • Alby says:

      Save your breath. If he goes, they’ll replace him with someone much worse. I’ve seen the pool of prospective talkers. Jensen is about as close to the center as they get — not close at all, but if he stands on a ladder he can see the center off in the distance.

  10. Jim C says:

    I don’t feel better about Delaware’s finest protecting anything. After all. they did back the lead insurgent in the last election!

  11. Arthur says:

    And as expected no one from Wilmington Trust will face any penalties