Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Friday, January 15, 2021

A couple of idle thoughts:

I still can’t get over the fact that six out of seven Rethuglican state senators voted against a resolution congratulating Delaware’s first elected President.

Did those two Laurel rioters ride to (and maybe from) DC on a bus chartered by the Delaware Rethuglican Party? If I were a reporter, I’d be looking into that.

Regardless, we are in Bizarro World. Which is not unlike Sussex County.

One Helluva A Stimulus Plan.  Biden has gone big. $1.9 trillion big. I guess it’ll all come down to whatever Joe Manchin permits.

Trump Denied Biden Team Access To Vaccine Rollout Plans.  Uh, because there weren’t any?:

For more than a month, the Biden team pressed to attend meetings that offered “real-time information on production and distribution of vaccine” — important details for the president-elect’s advisers debating ways to bring the pandemic under control, said a transition official, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss private interactions.

While health agencies’ career staff have been helpful, it was not until this week that Biden officials were allowed to attend meetings of Operation Warp Speed, the administration’s initiative to accelerate vaccine development and distribution. They were also not invited to the two Warp Speed sessions this weekend when Trump officials decided on sweeping changes to try to speed up the sluggish vaccine rollout. Nor were they briefed on those changes in advance.

While some of those policies mirrored Biden plans, others raised red flags among the president-elect’s advisers. One is a recommendation to offer vaccines immediately to tens of millions under 65 who have high-risk medical conditions — a change the Biden team fears could overwhelm state supply and already stressed sign-up systems, while creating unrealistic expectations for those eager to get inoculated.

Yes, It Was An Inside Job.  Man, we’ve only scratched the surface.  This was a planned takeover of the Capitol.  Rethugs have dropped the pretense that elections matter.

‘What A Dump’. Taxpayers pay $3K a month because Secret Service detail is barred from using one of Jared/Ivanka’s ritzy bathrooms.

One Man’s Journey To Trumpism.  A journey that ended on January 6.  This article tells you at least as much as you will learn from reading ‘Hillbilly Elegy’. And it’s shorter.

The Trump Administration’s Obsession With Family Separation.  Oh, sure, some are apologizing now.  Tell that to the families that you destroyed. An indelible stain on our history. Unforgivable.

NJ Rethug Candidate For Governor First Political Victim Of January 6? Sad.

Club For Growth Funding Election Overthrow Pols.  See who they are.

Trump’s Tech War Screws American Automakers.  This is what happens when you can’t even play one-dimensional checkers.

Retired Pa. Firefighter Arrested For Hurling Extinguisher At Cops.  None of these thugs should get bail. They’re dangerous.

Carney Waffles On Tax Increases.   Despite what appears to be solid D support for Rep. Kowalko’s bill, including from Speaker Pete Scjwartzkopf, here is the response from the Governor’s office:

“The Governor is concerned about raising taxes on any Delaware families or Delaware businesses during a pandemic and significant economic crisis,” said Carney’s spokesman, Jonathan Starkey, in the statement.

“Also because of the state’s responsible budget policy, Delaware is one of few states not facing budget challenges this year.”

Starkey also said that the governor’s office doesn’t generally speculate on whether Carney will sign legislation before it’s voted on, and that the governor is focused on the COVID-19 pandemic.

Huh, isn’t that what you just did?  Carney sucks.  Which is the kind of sophisticated analysis you can’t get anywhere else.

What do you want to talk about?

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