The Delaware Republican Party Sickens Me

Filed in National by on January 15, 2021

Prior to last Wednesday the Capitol had never been occupied by the domestic terrorist and homegrown enemies of the United States of American. The seat of government had never been defiled by the enemies of the Constitution claiming to be patriots.

It wasn’t strong locks on the doors that keep those enemies out. It was the fact enemies of America were not welcomed into our political parties. The enemies of decency have always been with us, they just hadn’t ever been encouraged and supported by a political party. The thing that kept our democracy running since June 21, 1788, and kept the Capitol un-occupied was the fact that we all agreed that elections sometimes have outcomes that we don’t like. The thing that kept our peace and prosperity since the country’s inception is the idea that we agree on basic questions of civics and common decency.

So when Republican traitors in the DEGOP boarded buses to take part in the coup attempt, they were not fighting for some noble principle. They are fighting for childishness and shortsightedness. They are fighting for their right to be peevish, selfish and stupid.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. All Seeing says:

    The GOP Chairwoman bused her group into an embarrassing moment of repeated history unwittingly I believe. She brought history full circle telling me that she cares more about political opportunism more the helping her state get from under crushing poverty, bad air quality, less then 10% fresh water and a cancer rate that is second from the bottom. This is what she led Delaware Republicans into and she should do the hororable thing and resign NOW =

  2. Alby says:

    Jane Brady has always been a piece of shit, and everyone knew it back when she announced on national TV that she would pursue the death penalty against two UD students who killed the baby the woman bore in secret. She hadn’t even investigated it yet.

    I will raise a toast the minute she’s dead. I did get to snub her at a charity event once, but it wasn’t enough.

  3. All Seeing says:

    The Supreme Court After Trump
    his presidency has disintegrated into mayhem, how are the conservative justices processing his tenure?