Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Friday, January 29, 2021

Reasons To Not Read The News-Journal: You may be aware that they are doing a clickbait series on ‘The Most Influential Delawareans’. I will not provide a link. Well, this week, they did one on the most influential political leaders, and many of the choices were bad. Uninspired. Just plain wrong.  Here’s what got my goat.  From the ‘typewriting’ on noted QAnon conspirator Lauren Witzke:

She’s the latest bellwether that Delaware voters are moving away from the state’s moderate traditions and toward a more fringe, alienating style of politics that could persist and have repercussions in the state for years to come.

You see what this Sarah Gamard, who may or may not be better than Scott Goss, did here: The false equivalencies. (A) That somehow the the state’s ‘moderate traditions’ are the gold standard; (B) That somehow the anti-democratic activities of Witzke’s QAnon cohorts equate to the work of progressives, especially since poll after poll demonstrate that the policies pushed by progressives are popular with the voters; and (C) That Witzke’s Witlesses’  attempts to overthrow elections somehow equate with progressive attempts to grow voter participation.  Not to mention, passage of progressive legislation supported by an overwhelming percentage of voters is not, by definition, ‘alienating’.

Don’t they teach critical thinking in college any more?  But, I digress.

The Census Will Be (More Than) A Little Late This Year.  Due to both incompetence and skulduggery ( by Trump, of course).  It will delay the drawing of congressional and legislative districts throughout the country.  Meaning,  Delaware’s new legislative maps will not be in place by the end of session in June.  Perhaps a special session in the fall?:

The timing for the second set of new census results — the detailed demographic data that state redistricting officials need to redraw voting districts — remains unclear. That information is normally delivered to the states by the end of March.

“You should not expect it prior to July 30,” Styles said.

Biden Nixes Trump Appointees To Defense Boards.  They should’ve gotten their paperwork in on time. Sad.

‘The Enemy Is Within’.  I honestly believe that the Uncivil War has begun, fueled by years, even decades, of deliberate misinformation, the match lit by Trump.  Don’t know how you get the genie back in the bottle.  Talk me down.

Proud Boys Leader Was A Police Informant:

Tarrio, in an interview with Reuters Tuesday, denied working undercover or cooperating in cases against others. “I don’t know any of this,” he said, when asked about the transcript. “I don’t recall any of this.”

Dude, you’re busted.

Guess Who Likes More Fed Assistance In Rolling Out The Vaccines.  Some red-state governors.  But not Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who inveighs against ‘FEMA camps’.

How To Get Rid Of Racist Cops.  Some really good ideas here.  I hope that Delaware legislators and someone in the AG’s office read this.  Two excerpts:

Both police departments and prosecutors’ offices have an obligation under something called the Brady doctrine. There’s a case called Brady v. Maryland that was a Supreme Court case several decades ago, and it said the government—and the government means both prosecutors and police—has to turn over any information that’s favorable to the defense for use by the defense at trial. For example, if a complaining witness in a case has a prior conviction for perjury, that’s something they need to turn over to the defense so that the defense can cross-examine that witness with that information. Similarly, I argue that issues of police discipline and anything else you could cross-examine a police officer about should be turned over to the defense…

…Well, we can never know what’s in someone’s mind, but certainly we can fire them when they act on their white supremacist views, like publicly posting something or texting something to another officer, because that impacts the behavior of others. There are cases that say that an officer might have a First Amendment right to express some of his views, but his right to express those views don’t outweigh the police department’s interest in a good relationship with the public. Anything that undermines the integrity of the office is grounds for dismissal.

Trump And Benedict XIII: The Antipopes.  Two figures who refused to bow to reality.  Will Trump also establish a government-in-exile?

Report: Russia Cultivated Trump As An Asset For 40 Years.  There’s a lot of detail in here.

Big Oil & Big Ag: Perfect Together?  Maybe. Maybe not. Big Oil wants farmers to oppose all-electric vehicles.  You know, ethanol.

What do you want to talk about?

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