Do Your Part to Help Save Democracy – Join your RD Committee

Filed in National by on February 4, 2021

My Rep District reorganization meeting is tonight. I’m hearing that some districts have more than 30 new interested people signed up to attend.

Your RD re-org meeting is coming up. Find out when and how to join it here->Delaware Democratic Party – Reorg Meetings

At this meeting, the 9th Rep. District will reorganize their Democratic Committees. All seats are vacated and members are elected/re-elected. New members encouraged to attend and join. Only registered Democrats who reside in the 9th Rep. District and have not been a member of another political party for at least one year are eligible to join.

There is no district in the state that couldn’t be taken over by four committed liberals.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. I’m joining–if I get elected–next Monday.

  2. Rick Reuling says:

    Your numbers are close but since I abhor rumors and speculation I’d like to clarify a few things. I believe my RD, the 27th, is the current record holder for most interest this cycle.

    1) Total of 40 people registered or showed up at our re-org meeting to join the committee. (We have 20 slots)
    2) Of those 40, 25 were “new interested people.” So close to 30, that’s fair to say.
    3) 15 of the 17 previous committee members want to rejoin.
    4) Of those 15, two are Ex Officio members.

    It’s great to see the interest, and I think some credit is due to having fresh candidates with progressive platforms, and their campaign efforts to reach voters.

    I also think that some credit should also go to the atrocities and abuses of the GOP under the Trump Administration for mobilizing Democrats. As unpopular as that credit may be it serves no purpose to pretend it didn’t stoke all our anger and concern to record levels. The fecklessness of the Delaware GOP was also a boon in that sense – I hope they let Dave Lawson speak more, he’s such a gift of elected right-wing nuttiness, bless his heart.

    I’m also pleased to see so many prior committee members are looking to rejoin – that tells me I did at least a few things right over the past 4 years as Chair of the 27th.

    Most gratifying to me was that both former committee members and the new interested folks were very thoughtful in considering their involvement. There are defined duties involved with being a committee member, such as attending meetings and working the district on election day, among others.

    Both previous members and new attendees carefully considered whether they could fulfill those duties, and many opted to join as an “Associate” member instead. Their stated reason was often they did not think they would be able to make all the meetings, and they didn’t want to prevent someone else who could from having that full member seat. I applaud every single person who participated with such thoughtfulness, you’re my kind of people.

    Aside from a few technical snags we were able to get through what was an unprecedented re-org meeting for the 27th with relative efficiency. We could not seat the full committee due to the high interest, and quite a few of our Electoral Districts are contested and now head towards an election next month. For many would-be committee members this will be their first election as a candidate – I hope for at least some of them it’s only the first of many elections they will enter as a Democrat.

    This won’t be the cleanest nor easiest re-org, but I’ll take a problem of abundance over a problem of deficiency any day of the week, without question. Looking forward to the fresh perspectives and ideas that we will bear as the fruit of this unprecedented interest.

    Rick Reuling
    Interim Chair, 27th RD Democratic Committee

    • jason330 says:

      Thanks. Eric Morrison’s RD represent!

      • Rick Reuling says:

        While Eric Morrison certainly deserves a large amount of credit for running a successful campaign with a lot of outreach to Democrats, I can assure you that many of us have been working for years to bring new faces into the party.

        The 27th has produced plenty of good people for both public office and the party. I can also assure you that you could just as easily have said:

        Trinidad Navarro’s RD represent!
        NCC Party Chair Woodside’s RD represent!

        And both of those declarations would be just as accurate.

        Down here, I can say with confidence that we prefer a simple “27th RD Represent!” For us, politics is a team sport.

  3. jason330 says:

    18 people in the 8th Meeting
    15 People in the 9th.

  4. I really don't care says:

    Liberals have destroyed Delaware.

  5. We had 30, count ’em, 30, people at our 7th RD meeting. Meaning, I’m in a run-off. I think that 3 or 4 ED’s will have run-offs. Hey, when you’re represented by Larry Lambert, Sarah McBride, and Kyle Evans Gay, you want to be part of a committee helping them.