Coons & Biden Prepped to Stab the Middle-Class in the Back

Filed in National by on February 9, 2021

This is terrible. Coons’ famous bipartisanship shows up just in time to stab middle class Americans in the back.

Biden along with some Democratic lawmakers are open to limiting the $1,400 direct payment to individuals earning under $50,000, with $2,800 going to married couples who earn under $100,000, the Post reported.

Biden told Democrat leaders in the House and Senate Wednesday in a private meeting that he would consider using a lower income level to target direct payments to the people who need them most.

“Maybe we can — I think we can better target that number,” Biden said, according to a source at the meeting who spoke to The New York Times on the condition of anonymity. “I’m OK with that.”

Sen. Chris Coons, D-Delaware, confirmed to reporters Wednesday that a conversation about a more targeted payment had taken place. “We did have a conversation about the direct payments and how those might be modified in a way to ensure they’re targeted,” Coons said.

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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. puck says:

    “Considering” an income limit means it’s a done deal, and is an example of Dems negotiating with themselves. Still, not the worst thing that could happen to this bill, and maybe not as feckless as it first seems. I’m assuming it was necessary to allow Joe Manchin or somebody to declare victory over the libs while still voting for the bill. With a 50/50 Senate that is inevitable.

  2. puck says:

    A better stimulus for the middle/upper middle class would be to get rid of Trump’s limits on SALT deductions.

  3. Progressives succeed in keeping the initial limits in bill:

    I will point out, as it it needs pointing out, that Trump didn’t place any top limit on those who would benefit from his tax giveaway to the nation’s plutocrats.

  4. Stewball says:

    If the higher income limits stay in the final bill, as I suspect they will, it’s a testament to the growing power of progressives in Congress. Bernie is the chair of the Budget Committee in the Senate, and he’s not going to want to reduce eligibility, and neither is Schumer who is afraid of a primary from AOC so he’s doing as much as possible to keep progressives happy. Not to mention, reducing the eligibility so folks who received checks under Trump don’t get them under Biden is just incredibly bad politics.

  5. “Not to mention, reducing the eligibility so folks who received checks under Trump don’t get them under Biden is just incredibly bad politics.”


    Remember, kids, progressive policies are popular, efforts to demonize the champions of progressive policies notwithstanding.

  6. Alby says:

    The problem with Democrats like Coons is that they don’t just hear how Republicons frame these issues, they agree with them.

    So when the GOP noise machine says “Democrats want to give $1,400 to Bill Gates!” dipshits like Coons say to themselves, “Gee, that’s really an effective attack!” So rather than fight back with something as obvious as, “that’s why we’re going to tax that money, so rich people have to pay it back,” they go along with the Republicon frame — in the woefully mistaken belief that this will somehow blunt the attacks.

    tl;rd: We elected a shitbag rich guy who doesn’t give a fuck about you or me.