Delaware Liberal

Coons & Biden Prepped to Stab the Middle-Class in the Back

This is terrible. Coons’ famous bipartisanship shows up just in time to stab middle class Americans in the back.

Biden along with some Democratic lawmakers are open to limiting the $1,400 direct payment to individuals earning under $50,000, with $2,800 going to married couples who earn under $100,000, the Post reported.

Biden told Democrat leaders in the House and Senate Wednesday in a private meeting that he would consider using a lower income level to target direct payments to the people who need them most.

“Maybe we can — I think we can better target that number,” Biden said, according to a source at the meeting who spoke to The New York Times on the condition of anonymity. “I’m OK with that.”

Sen. Chris Coons, D-Delaware, confirmed to reporters Wednesday that a conversation about a more targeted payment had taken place. “We did have a conversation about the direct payments and how those might be modified in a way to ensure they’re targeted,” Coons said.

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