Delaware Liberal

The Dumbfuck Uprising

Facing financial ruin, did these dumbfucks ever say “Wow, capitalism really is bullshit.” Nope. They said, “I’ll fight for Trump. He cares about regular people like me.” It is really tough to feel sympathy for people this eager to be duped.

More than 200 people are facing federal criminal charges for their alleged roles in the January 6 assault on the U.S. Capitol Building. And according to Washington Post reporter Todd C. Frankel, many of them have something in common: a history of financial problems.

“Nearly 60% of the people facing charges related to the Capitol riot showed signs of prior money troubles, including bankruptcies, notices of eviction or foreclosure, bad debts, or unpaid taxes over the past two decades, according to a Washington Post analysis of public records for 125 defendants with sufficient information to detail their financial histories,” Frankel reports. “The group’s bankruptcy rate, 18%, was nearly twice as high as that of the American public, the Post found. A quarter of them had been sued for money owed to a creditor. And one in five of them faced losing their home at one point, according to court filings.”

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