Fucking Coons, Unreal

Filed in National by on February 13, 2021

Senate Decided Not to Call Trump Impeachment Witnesses Because ‘People Want to Get Home for Valentine’s Day’: Report

Senate Democrats had, despite their collective vote to hear witnesses, not actually wanted to do anything of the sort and quickly rushed to undo the motion at the request of President Joe Biden‘s leading man in the Senate: Sen. Chris Coons (D-Del.).

Described by Politico as “Biden’s ambassador to the GOP,” Coons is said to be “critical to advancing the new president’s agenda.”

Politico also reported on the witness kerfuffle:

A person close to Coons said that he spoke to the parliamentarian and GOP senators and conveyed to the managers that opening up the witnesses question would lead to days if not weeks of debate over the matter and that Republicans were ready to vote. In particular, Coons said that GOP Leader Mitch McConnell‘s plans to acquit demonstrated that there was a ceiling to how many Republicans would go along.

“The jury is ready to vote,” Coons told House impeachment managers, according to the outlet. “People want to get home for Valentine‘s Day.”

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Alby says:

    From Politico:

    During the Senate break after the witness vote Saturday, Sen. Chris Coons (D-Del.) twice came into the managers’ room off the Senate floor, according to multiple Democratic sources. Coons pressed House Democrats to relent, saying their quest for witnesses would cost them Republican votes to convict and maybe even some Democrats,” Politico reports.

    “The jury is ready to vote,” Coons told the House managers, according to a senior House Democratic aide. “People want to get home for Valentine’s Day.”

    A Coons spokesperson said that the senator “was simply conveying to the House managers that several of his Republican colleagues told him there were no more votes on their side and their members were ready to fly home. It is unfortunate that apparently no amount of additional evidence was going to convince 10 more of his Republican colleagues of Donald Trump’s guilt.

    Well, the sun’s currently in Aquarius, the water-bearer. Coons is just celebrating the season.

    • Jason330 says:

      So fucking stupid. Rather than get a full accounting, Coons wanted to lose the vote by a little less. You have to be a fucking Yale educated genius like Coons to see how that makes sense.

  2. bamboozer says:

    Quick show of hands: Coons is what sucks about todays democratic party. Carper is actually worse, and that ain’t easy.

  3. To be fair, Biden was the Coons Whisperer here. He didn’t want the trial continue, and he has some arguments on his side: Trump wasn’t gonna be convicted, and Biden has a shitload of stuff he needs to get through ASAP.

    • Alby says:

      While most of this is true (we’re not sure it took any input from Biden for Coons to act cravenly), it ignores how bad this looks to the public.

      The perpetual problem for Democrats is that they look like wusses, which leads to a disgusted constituency, which leads to losses in the midterms. On that front, this was a self-inflicted wound — why take the vote for witnesses if you’re going to chicken out about it?

      • The Real Dem says:

        Blah Blah – Go back to the Communist Party.

      • puck says:

        Maybe calling witnesses would have squeezed a little more juice out of the trial by exacting more pain on GOPers for their inevitable acquittal votes. But not enough to be worth it. Establishing a bipartisan majority finding of insurrection is a win and is a foundation for future actions.

        Coons was right; there were no more votes to be had. Dem leadership was right not to let impeachment become our great white whale. There are plenty of other open manholes in Trump’s future.

        • RE Vanella says:

          Let’s say we always knew they didn’t have the votes to convict. (Which we did know.)

          Then I guess they went through all this to make the acquittal closer. Then stop. That’s the argument? That’s what that was for?

          That plan does sound downright Coonsian. Then call for a commission! Haha he did that!

          Let someone else do it, I got too soft to finish.

        • Alby says:

          The real value would have been keeping the media busy with Trumpian clickbait so the Democrats could address their agenda in relative obscurity.

          Instead, we’ll now get the media’s Democrats in disarray agenda. If Democrats aren’t in disarray, and right now they’re not, the media will do its biased best to sow discord.