Trump Acquitted.

Filed in National by on February 13, 2021

57-43.  7 R’s voted to convict:  Ben Sasse, Mitt Romney, Lisa Murkowski, Susan Collins, Pat Toomey, Richard Burr, and Bill Cassidy.

That’s a lot.  43 Rethugs sealed their names in history.

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  1. bamboozer says:

    An age of assassinations and political violence is coming. There will not be a second civil war per se, but there will be blood at some point, and more then just a few incidents. The far right is encouraged and will not accept defeat at the polls and not play by the rules. Wondering if the union will stand at this point, wondering if the 200 year old “experiment” will endure. Hold on to your hat, it is a new age.

  2. Arthur says:

    Looks like your buddy Coons saved the day (for Republicans)

  3. Andrew C says:

    I just don’t think witnesses would have made any difference. It was exciting to think about for a moment but you know that the Republicans would have gone scorched earth and absolutely summoned every person they could think of to muddy the waters and confuse the narrative. It would not have worked. They were hung up on “the process” and were not going to budge.

    Move on to the real criminal convictions now.

    • You know, I’m glad of his forced exit from the stage.

      Of course there will be more articles as his legal misadventures escalate. But we’re not going to be hearing him or about him every day from now on.

      Pass the stimulus package now, and let’s get moving.

  4. puck says:

    Republicans in disarray! I like it. 57-43 is the best that could have been hoped for. A bipartisan majority has found Trump guilty of inciting and giving aid and comfort to the insurrection. Now let’s move on to a Fourteenth Amendment resolution to strip Trump of eligibility for office, which requires only a simple majority, which was demonstrated today.

    Not only that, 43 Republicans are now locked into their acquittal vote, which will not age well as the investigation continues, new facts come out, and Trump starts to get that loser stink. I have to think a few of those 43 will lose their seats because of their acquittal vote.