Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread Tuesday Feb 16th, 2021

I can’t wait for Coons to make a big, showy public break with Biden [over something beloved bit of DC insider nonsense] in order to prove to DC that he truly is the bipartisan hero.  It is inevitable.  

Atrios Said This:

They got Trump on eleventy million lies, and to avoid accusations of BIAS, they’ll “find” eleventy million “lies” from Biden’s administration, too. – 

Fixing fucked up shit is possible.   It was possible anyway.  

50 years since decimalization

Before Feb. 15, 1971, Britain’s currency was 12 pennies to the shilling and 20 shillings to the pound — or 240 pence to a pound.

But that’s not all. There were also two farthings in a ha’penny, three pennies in a bit, two bits in a sixpence, two sixpences in a shilling, five shillings in a crown, and four crowns in a pound. There were also two shillings in a florin and 10 florins made a pound.

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