Delaware Liberal

State To Delaware Latinos: Drop Dead Of Covid

Maria Matos is right:

“Equity means that you have to do things differently. And it’s OK to say ‘I’m not happy with those numbers.’ Then, do something about it…think outside the box but don’t stand in a press conference Mr. Governor and tell me that you’re not happy with the 2%, but you’re not setting aside any vaccine that will go directly to the people that need it the most because the people who are getting the sickest the most are Latinos and African Americans.”

Have you noticed how Carney administration officials almost all talk in that bureaucratese that completely removes the human element from the equation?  We’ve already discussed Claire Dematteis at length.

When it comes to getting an adequate supply of vaccine to Delaware’s hardest-hit populations, Karyl Rattay and Carney himself spew the same ‘at-once-removed’ language:

Rattay: “These numbers are not OK with us.  In public health, I think we often recognize as state government we’re not always going to be the best messenger in the community, and our goal and role is to put the community leaders in the driver’s seat, and for us to enable and support them to reach members of the community.”

Carney: “To make sure that we get equity in the distribution of first and second doses. Therefore, our partners show that they will be evaluated on a week-by-week basis based on whether they’re achieving our equity goals, and we will be able to re-allocate to others who are doing a better job of meeting those equity objectives.”

Matos, who is the President and CEO of the Latin American Community Center, calls bullshit, and points out that Delaware officials don’t know the meaning of equity, either in English or Spanish:

“I don’t think people know the definition of equity,” she said. “If you have 100 vaccines, and 10% of your population is Latino, then you take those 100 vaccines, and you set aside 10%. If you stick them all in the basket, which is what they’re doing now, they’re sticking all their vaccines in a basket, and hoping that Latinos and African-Americans are able to reach in and get some of their vaccine, it’s impossible to do it because there are barriers.”

Not to mention, the State is hardly making it easy:

“We have Westside Health clinic, and we have ChristianaCare, that know how to reach into the community, but what does the state do? They want DEMA to do it, or they’ve hired this company from I don’t know where to do it,” she said, referencing Curative, based in Los Angeles, California.”

(BTW, I think that Amy Cherry might be the best journalist in Delaware.)

It’s not just this feckless administration, however.  Where the fuck are the elected officials from this area?  Where is Tizzy Lockman? Where is Sherry Dorsey Walker?  They should be screaming bloody murder about this.  Lockman’s in Senate leadership, for Christ sake.  Lead. Call the governor and ream him out. It’s what your constituents need.  Lead. Or leave.

I’m sorry, but this kind of malign neglect on everybody’s part is unforgivable.

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