DL Open Thread Wed Feb 17th, 2021

Filed in National by on February 17, 2021

Bethany Hall Long Announces Bid for Delaware Governor

I don’t really care what happened to Columbus statue.  The real question is when is the centerpiece statue of the Aubrey Plaza Plaza being dedicated? 

Whatever happened to those Columbus and Caesar Rodney statues taken down in Wilmington?

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (19)

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  1. jason330 says:

    Jake Sherman reporting: Leahy set to announce that earmarks are back.

    No private companies. Non profits and localities eligible.

    This is a BIG legislative development. Lots of impacts.
    1) Earmarks help the leadership govern. People who don’t listen to leadership dont get them. People who do, do. Whether you like them or not, that’s true. Helps institute party loyalty.

    2) DeLauro & Leahy gain. As does leadership.

    3) Approps lobbyists will see a jump in biz

    4) What will House and Senate Rs do? Lots of appropriators want earmarks. But will McConnell ban their members from asking for them?

  2. Joe Connor says:

    Aubrey could go on the Columbus pedestal it would be a perfect spot overlooking Ursuline where she perfected her trademark sarcastic, smart ass style:). A tribute to rebellious Catholic school kids everywhere!

  3. The person who I want to see run for Governor has already released her agenda–for this year alone. And it’s spectacular:


  4. Texas ‘leaders’ blame everybody but themselves for pathetic response to frigid weather.

    Greg Abbott blames ‘green energy’:


    A Texas Mayor Blames His Constituents. Then Resigns:


    The real problem? Texas-sized hubris:


    An excerpt:

    “The outages this week can be tied to deregulation, as well as Texas being unique in having a power grid contained in the state, cutting it off from help from other parts of the country when there is a power shortage or outage. In addition, many power plants are not equipped to operate in temperatures this cold.

    “Texas is pretty much an electric power island, you can’t go get more when you need it, and that’s on purpose, so Texas sets the rules for how Texas operates,” Robert Cullick, a former utility executive at Austin Energy, told The Hill Tuesday.”

  5. Alby says:

    They ripped off Aubrey Plaza Plaza from my former Minister of Culture.

  6. mediawatch says:

    Jennings has more solid thoughts in a half-hour than Carney would have in two full terms.

  7. John Kowalko says:

    In memoriam to Limbaugh I’m starting a “Go-Fund-Me” to raise money to purchase a lifetime daily supply of cigars for Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, and even Lou Dobbs. (may Dobbs’ career rest in peace).

    John Kowalko

  8. bamboozer says:

    Am I alone in wanting a Viking Funeral for Limbaugh? The idea is to burn it and sink it to the bottom of the ocean, apologies to the fish in advance. That and I Revenella is back and feisty as ever. Cool.

  9. Andrew C says:

    Greatest hits clip from Rush: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LCP48G1sh9I

  10. De says:

    BHL: I’m Gona be the next governor

    Kathy Jennings: Aw that’s cute. Hold my ber