Own the Libs!

Filed in National by on February 19, 2021

I haven’t been following this Cuomo thing. A mean, bad guy, corrupt? I guess we’ll find out.

But whatever happens, getting rid of corrupt politicians whether they are D’s or R’s is what is supposed to happen.

Republicans seem to think that getting rid of corrupt D’s is somehow owning libs.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Cuomo set himself up as the Anti-Trump. Every Covid press conference was a media event where the Truth allegedly was front and center. Charts & everything.

    Turns out he lied about nursing home deaths. Bigly. Allegedly tried to shut up at least one D politician who called him on it. Had to admit he had not told the truth, but tried to fudge it with ‘It doesn’t matter how they died. They’re dead.’

    Also, he’s no lib. He’s a dick:


    BTW, the gambit he employed is used all the time in Delaware nursing homes. Patients get sick or injured in nursing homes, get transferred to a hospital, and die there. Nursing homes try to hide the fact that the operative reason for their death started in the nursing facility. Hey, they died in the hospital.

    • Alby says:

      This is also the case with ambulance calls. If you’re fatally injured in, say, a car wreck, you won’t be pronounced dead at the scene unless you’re decapitated. You’re pronounced at the emergency room.

      Back when I was night city editor 25 years ago, I used to get a regular caller who’d rail against Christiana Hospital. He maintained it was a lousy hospital because so many people died there, to which I always asked him where he thought those people ought to be dying. So I guess he was right to be suspicious.

  2. bamboozer says:

    Mom spent eight years in nursing homes, I know far too much about them, their primary concern is profit. Most are owned by corporations and have the usual corporate milk every penny you can out of it. Managed to keep my wife with dementia out of the homes until she passed, but it took a herculean effort to do it. But it was worth it.