Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Saturday, Feb. 20, 2021

State Rethugs Push Voting Restrictions To Protect Fantasies Of Angry White Guys:

GOP state lawmakers across the country have proposed a flurry of voting restrictions that they say are needed to restore confidence in U.S. elections, an effort intended to placate supporters of former president Donald Trump who believe his false claims that the 2020 outcome was rigged…

According to the Brennan Center for Justice, a civil rights think tank, lawmakers in 33 states have crafted more than 165 bills to restrict voting so far this year — more than four times the number in last year’s legislative sessions. The group attributed the surge to “a rash of baseless and racist allegations of voter fraud” and accused lawmakers of a “backlash to historic voter turnout” last year.

GOP state lawmakers across the country have proposed a flurry of voting restrictions that they say are needed to restore confidence in U.S. elections, an effort intended to placate supporters of former president Donald Trump who believe his false claims that the 2020 outcome was rigged.

Got that? They need to restrict voting so that Trump supporters will have confidence in elections restored.  I, uh, think these efforts will backfire.

‘Jerrah’ Jones, Despicable Owner Of The Dallas Cowboys, ‘Hits Jackpot’ Due To Texas Screw-Ups.  Sells energy at obscene mark-ups.  Hey, deregulation, Texas-style. What can I say?

Manchin Exercises Personal Veto, Kills Nomination.  She said ‘bad things’ about some senators of both parties. Six pages of tweets about Ted Cruz. Shouldn’t that be a plus?

Florida To Get ‘FEMA Camps’.  To help vaccinate under-served populations.  Yo, John, if under-served communities can be targeted in Florida, why can’t you do it here? Afraid of a lawsuit from rich white folks, or something? Legalistic double-talk to perpetuate the kind of malign racism the Chamber embraces.  What, exactly, do you stand for? And, other than for electability, why are you a registered Democrat?  BTW, anybody hear a peep from the district legislators? I haven’t.  Wintering in Cancun?

NYPD Discipline Records To Be Made Public?  I see a lot of ‘early retirements’ in the near future.  The NYPD has been a rogue organization for decades.  I wonder if our AG can chart a similar course…

Biden Is Wrongwrongwrong On Canceling Student Debt.  He thinks the optics will suck.  Forget about the millions of people he will free from a form of servitude and/or the financial boom he will help to unleash. A must-read.

Andrew Cuomo Is Getting Destroyed. He Deserves It.  Who will step up to challenge him?

‘Bitcoin, Ether Hit Fresh Highs’.  A world with which I will never be familiar.

What do you want to talk about?


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