Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Wednesday Feb 24th, 2021

Fuck Susan Collins.  Fuck the GOP.  Who cares if Susan Collins  votes for the Covid aid bill? Why does this matter to anyone? For once, play like winners, Democrats.  You won the trifecta.  Ram shit down their throats.  Let the dumbfuck Party answer for their votes at the ballot box.  Oh but that isn’t “bipartisan”.  Fuck that stupid bullshit.  

Collins: Biden’s $1.9T coronavirus package won’t get any Senate GOP votes | TheHill

Coons says top secret bipartisan caucus is still kicking, just keeping it on the down low as befits a secret society. 

Facebook and Google have made Trillions of dollars skimming content from media companies.  Australia doesn’t like the set up.

The Australian government says it’s trying to level the playing field between digital giants that take the lion’s share of digital advertising revenue, and media companies that  have seen their revenues dwindle despite producing much of the content shared on online platforms.

We’er fucked.  

Personal aside:  According to my kids, I will never be a Grandfather.  I can’t say that I blame them.   

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