Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Friday, March 12, 2021

Dominion Just Might Win All Those Lawsuits.  Can you say ‘proof of damages’?  In case you’re wondering who Dominion is suing, wonder no more.  There will be more.

Sen. Rick Scott To States: Don’t Take The Relief $$’s.  As Florida’s Gov. DeSantis whines that he didn’t get enough:

Scott, as head of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, is charged with ensuring his party’s fortunes at the Senate level in the 2022 elections. But the American Rescue Plan, Biden’s $1.9 trillion COVID package, has broad public support.

Instead, Scott appears to be trying to convince states and cities to undermine the plan itself by rejecting $350 billion marked for them. He demanded that the money only be used to reimburse specific pandemic-fighting measures, and not for any deeper investments in infrastructure or economic development.

“By rejecting and returning any unneeded funds, as well as funds unrelated to COVID-19, you would be taking responsible action to avoid wasting scarce tax dollars,” the letter reads. “After all, every dollar in this package is borrowed.”

Fine. Should any Rethug governor reject assistance, redistribute the $$’s elsewhere.  End of story.

Biden’s Speech.  I think that he struck every right note last night.  Kids (and John Carney), take note: This is what Democratic governance should look like.

Biden Looking At Diverse Picks For Judgeships And Federal Attorneys.  Time to start rolling ’em out.

Infrastructure Bill To Be Fast-Tracked?  Can you say ‘reconciliation’?

NYC Police Riot Against ‘Black Lives Matter’ Demonstrators Being Covered Up.  Sadly, this is a ‘dog bites man’ story. The NYPD answers to no one.

How Elizabeth Warren’s Heroic Progressivism Is Seeping Into Government.  Hope you enjoy reading this as much as I did. It’ll give you hope.

Green Health. Trees, trees, trees.

Facebook & Google Oppose Bill To Help Newspaper Industry.  My initial impulse: If they’re against it, I’m for it.  What do the professional journalists who read our blog think?

Educational Opportunity Funding Passes Delaware State Senate. David Lawson Makes A Fool Of Himself.  ‘David Lawson Makes Fool Of Himself’ pretty much defines the term ‘dog bites man’ in journalistic parlance.

What do you want to talk about?

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