The Last Guy can’t even fuck up the GOP correctly

Filed in National by on March 14, 2021

Mired in legal battles, and his fundraising slowing to a trickle, TLG is looking more like the floundering loser he is and less like a king maker.

He backed away from creating a third party and has soured on the costly prospect of launching his own TV empire or social media startup.

His vow to target disloyal Republicans with personally-recruited primary challengers has taken a backseat to conventional endorsements of senators who refused to indulge his quest to overturn the 2020 election.

And though he was supposed to build a massive political apparatus to keep his MAGA movement afloat, it’s unclear to Republicans what his PAC is actually doing, beyond entangling itself in disputes with Republican icons and the party’s fundraising arms.

Ex-president Donald Trump finds himself adrift while in political exile. And Republicans, and even some allies, say he is disorganized, torn between playing the role of antagonist and party leader.

“There is no apparatus, no structure and part of that is due to a lack of political understanding on Trump’s behalf,” said a person close to the former president, noting that Trump has struggled to learn the ropes of post-presidential politicking.

This is very disappointing.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. bamboozer says:

    Defeat in 2020 exposed Trump for the paper tiger that he truly is, he’s been reduced to fleecing his brain dead base for one last con game. Even the mental midgets of the MSM are leaving him behind at this point while they chase Cuomo around. Will he run in 2024? Perhaps, but it will be a vanity project as I suspect the Republicans are looking for a new Mussolini at this point.