Song of the Day 3/15: Emma Swift, “Queen Jane Approximately”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on March 15, 2021

Australian singer-songwriter Emma Swift, who works out of Nashville, released a well-received album of Bob Dylan covers last August, “Blonde on the Tracks,” that I only caught up with because now that I’m vaccinized I’ve been in the car a couple of Sundays in a row, and I heard a lot of Americana on the radio.

I always like covers of Queen Jane because, unlike the original on Highway 61, they are almost invariably in tune. Like several of the cuts, this one is accompanied by by an interesting video

That’s the most upbeat tune on the album. She mostly homes in on some of Dylan’s most emotionally wrenching material. Here she is singing “Simple Twist of Fate” in a recent live-radio appearance, accompanied on guitar by her significant other, Robyn Hitchcock.

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